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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. It's fabulous. All that remains is a very slight gradient mask from the bottom up.
  2. May I have a 100% crop of Dad's hair where the dark section meets the light section of background?
  3. Sorry, it can't be done. You'd have to replace it all with the dark colour from the middle section of the background. Even that would be a bit dodgy, but should be passable.
  4. That looks fabulous! But you shouldn't have blurred the sky. Can you turn off the blur and show me?
  5. Excellent. Add a Channel Mixer layer, and enter these values: Red channel: 0, +100, 0 Green channel: 0, +35, +65 Blue channel: +100, 0, 0 Then mask on. Around the bulk of the handle, you shouldn't need to be precise - the CM layer shouldn't affect the wall colour. But around the fingers, you'll need to be VERY precise, of course. IMPORTANT: After masking around the fingers very carefully, then lower the brush opacity a lot, eg 5%, and paint gently onto the skin to replace the pink cast with blue cast. This step is really important. Here, I've done the top half to show you:
  6. Sure, try this: Add a Channel Mixer layer, and go to the Blue Output Channel. Change the sliders from 0, 0, +100, 0 to 0, +100, 0, -10. Then mask to the foot.
  7. Sure, I reckon we can manage that. Could you show me a 100% crop of the spoon, including the hand?
  8. Look at the smaller thumbnail version, you should be able to see it.
  9. I just noticed the top left-hand corner - there are some repeated patterns there.
  10. It's great! I would never have known.
  11. Crap, another Mac. Do you have access to any other computers?
  12. First, can you maximise your window (click the little box next to the X in the very top right corner of screen. Then, can you click on the Window menu to open it, and take another screenshot for me.
  13. Yes, that was going to be my suggestion too. We need to bring another monitor into the equation now.
  14. Please don't worry about an action. You don't need one. The only important thing is the filter itself. Have you installed it?
  15. You're right about magenta, but not about Levels. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/02/using-photo-filter-layer-to-fix-casts.htm
  16. Specs seem good to me. I have used a couple of LGs in the past (nowhere near the top-end specs of this one) and always been happy.
  17. Well, it's better than nothing. There was never going to be an entirely satisfactory result here.
  18. Oh, gee. You could try Dust & Scratches filter at about 16/6, but that would almost remove everything
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