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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Since you're on a Mac, your preferences are in the Apple menu.
  2. Oh gee, this is really bad. Brian always says you should have at least 1/3rd free space. So aim to clear off at least 34GB of space. Definitely run this soon.
  3. Terrific! Then go ahead and follow the flow chart and do your raw processing. That will take care of the problem to a degree. Then post the SOOR and we'll talk about the eyes.
  4. Try it yourself and see! Download one of the photos from Facebook, and voila! You'll see it's a jpeg. Well, you have to watch the size as you're saving. Generally I find that 960px is ok.
  5. Download the PSD I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that the Channel Mixer and Levels layers should work fairly well for all similar images. The topmost layer is the "Colour Fix" layer from the Handyman Method. It's not quite finished. As the last step of all, I would recommending adding another blank layer, and using the Clone Tool (set to "Sample: Current and below") to tidy up a few little lines and specks here and there. Of course, it all takes time, so you'd need to decide how much time you can afford to spend.
  6. May I have the link to where you uploaded it on FB? Are you aware that if your PNG file is over a megabyte Facebook automatically converts it to a jpeg?
  7. Possibly because you uploaded PNG files. Have you also tried Jpeg? Most likely it's just an unavoidable Facebook thing. I can't see any banding in these files you've posted here. Can you?
  8. Beautiful. Now, you should find that the "Colour Fix" layer from The Handyman Method will work fine for this.
  9. There's nothing worse than doing elaborate Photoshop work, THEN realising you have to start over because you messed up your raw processing. I want to protect you from that pain. Please follow the noise removal link that Christina provided earlier, so we can be content in the knowledge that the raw processing is completed, and then we can get stuck into the PS work.
  10. Your master file. Your PSD. You didn't crop it, did you? http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/09/cropping-tutorial.html
  11. Ok, that's a bit too loose. That's a bit more of the lady than is possible to clone out.
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