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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. If you can just tidy up the masking where the chain enters the top tag, I'd say it's fine!
  2. Here's a PSD showing one step of the many steps involved in this.
  3. In more ways than you know. http://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge
  4. For the area, I don't have any magic tricks for you, sorry. You'll just need to copy one stripe at a time from further down his chest, move and rotate it into position, then mask it in, and lighten it as needed. It'll be very painstaking.
  5. Oh Alrons, please don't wait any longer to take The Raw Class. Your SOOR is nowhere near as good as it should be. Monitor calibration is no longer a requirement, if that's what was holding you back.
  6. This was a darn difficult one. How did you go?
  7. Have you done this to be sure? http://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  8. Clipping means "linking" layers, in a way. If you clip a layer to another layer below it, the top layer will only be visible where the bottom layer is also visible. Where the bottom layer is transparent, none of the top layer will show either. Clipping is done (for you on Photoshop on a PC) by pressing Ctrl Alt G.
  9. You can see the little plus sign, yes? It's very important to watch where that is.
  10. Download the PSD file As usual, done with this method.
  11. This one sure was tricky. How does this look?
  12. Sorry, I don't understand the question. What have you downloaded?
  13. Great, so explain to me how the screen differs from the pro lab prints.
  14. There's SO much more I wish I could suggest for this, but it's all Levels-related, so I can't share it here, I'm so sorry.
  15. You see how the top of the head is so blue? You'll need to warm that.
  16. No, the baby is still too dark. See how the rug is so white? The baby has to be similarly-exposed.
  17. Thanks for posting. Let's start at the beginning. Did you calibrate using my instructions?
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