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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Have you tried these? http://www.wikihow.com/Force-Quit-an-Application-in-Mac-OS-X
  2. Don't forget to do the lip also.
  3. For free, you can't go wrong, I reckon. Give it a go.
  4. No, just the background. Behind the baby. Isn't that where the banding was?
  5. Fog would just be a white Solid Color layer, masked on at very low opacity.
  6. Great! So follow my directions again, and do it properly.
  7. I think to be safe, you'd better replace the background, either with a flat light grey that matches the background nearest the baby, or with a gradient layer.
  8. The age or source of the prints doesn't matter. Prints are prints. Do you still have the calibrator?
  9. Comparisons to other computers are irrelevant. The only comparison that matters is to your pro lab prints. Describe that to me. How does your screen differ from the prints?
  10. Perfect. So, what you need to do is set up your kettle in front of a black backdrop. As it boils, take various photos of the white steam against the black. Save them all to your "steam library". When editing them, make sure the black is perfectly black - 0/0/0 values. Then, it's easy enough to File>Place one of those files onto your photo, and immediately change its blend mode to "Screen". Then play with its rotation, size and opacity to your desire.
  11. Are you able to provide me with a link to you website so I can see it there?
  12. No, your colour space is fine. Can you send me the exact file you sent to the lab?
  13. Well, the first step is to calibrate another computer with the Express, to see if the same problem happens there.
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