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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Sorry, I don't understand the question. What have you downloaded?
  2. Great, so explain to me how the screen differs from the pro lab prints.
  3. There's SO much more I wish I could suggest for this, but it's all Levels-related, so I can't share it here, I'm so sorry.
  4. You see how the top of the head is so blue? You'll need to warm that.
  5. No, the baby is still too dark. See how the rug is so white? The baby has to be similarly-exposed.
  6. Thanks for posting. Let's start at the beginning. Did you calibrate using my instructions?
  7. Do whatever you like. My methods are only for making photos look good.
  8. No, it hasn't moved yet. It's still on FB.
  9. After you've fixed the colour space, try these solutions: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/09/black-boxes-and-other-weird-behaviour.html I'm not optimistic, though, to be honest.
  10. Exactly as I taught you in the Pixel Layers section of the Layers & Masks Class.
  11. Remind me why you're using Adobe RGB? I need screenshots, not the images themselves. I know the images are the same.
  12. May I see that comparison? A screenshot of Bridge, and one of PS?
  13. That's ok, I was actually going to blame the calibrator, but if you don't have one, it can't be the culprit What about if you open a jpeg file into Photoshop? (No ACR involvement). Does it look ok? Is this problem only happening with raw files?
  14. I'm running CS5 on Win10 just fine. How many screens do you have, and which calibrator?
  15. No, it was quite specific to this photo. Another photo of the same scalp might require different numbers, and a different scalp might require an entirely different method altogether.
  16. Great. So, click on the mask of one of those layers, and apply a little bit of Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, to make the edge just soft enough to be plausible. Then repeat on the mask of the other layer.
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