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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. What are you talking about? These are razor sharp.
  2. http://www.damiensymonds.net/how-do-i-retrieve-lost-or-damaged-images.html
  3. Yep, cloning on a separate layer with a big soft brush, and don't be afraid of going over the dog if necessary. Then mask afterwards.
  4. Yes, you don't crop at all. The Crop Tool doesn't enter into this method, not once.
  5. Now mask VERY carefully down that right-hand side of the people.
  6. Oh gee, that explains it. Can you take the 100% crop again, and save it at 70 or above?
  7. I see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary here. This is perfect. No they don't. If you're seeing it like that, I suspect it's a problem with your screen, or lack of calibration.
  8. By the way, please don't waste your hard drive space by working in 16-bit. It's completely unnecessary. May I ask what quality level you chose when saving the jpeg files for upload here?
  9. Did you fix the colour space problem, Karen?
  10. No, not necessarily. LCD screens can be either CCFL or LED. How new/old is the screen?
  11. If you think the lamp genuinely makes the prints look the way they truly are, then maybe we can get away with it.
  12. Can you ask your client to email you one of those files they downloaded from the gallery? So you can take a look at it, especially its colour space?
  13. Channel Mixer layer ... Red 0, +140, 0 Green 0, +100, 0 Blue 0, +90, 0
  14. 1.3MB sounds perfectly normal for a file of that size. However, you're frightening me. Does your canvas need wrapping?
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