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For value and true unlimited storage, use a hosting company rather than Dropbox or alike. The problem with Dropbox and alike is they either limit storage and are expensive, or, offer 'unlimited' storage but restrict wha can be backed up - i.e. restricting you to a clone of your Mac/PC........which if your photo catalogue is on a NAS or equivalent is pretty useless. My catalogue is also 1.4TB and 32.000 images.


I use CloudHosted.com and pay £15 a month but there are cheaper plans with a longer commitment than month-to-month. That gets me unlimited storage via FTP.


Edited by MatthewHardaker
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I use Crashplan. It's easy and does it all behind the scenes for me. I get emails regularly confirming I'm 100% backed up and on the couple of occasions when there's been a problem, they've emailed me to let me know they can't establish a connection to back up my files so that I could fix it. I killed my MacBook Pro with a glass of water and the hard drive wasn't recoverable. Downloading everything from Crashplan on to a new computer and getting it to start syncing again was very straightforward. My understanding with Backblaze is that if you don't connect for something like 30 days, they delete your files, which Crashplan don't do. At least that's what I discovered when I was researching who to use. 

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It doesn't update the second you adjust a file and save it but it does several updates throughout the day and I'm not at my computer right now to double check but I'm sure you can force it to back up immediately if you've done something like transfer a wedding from your memory card to the computer and don't want to risk even a small lag in time before it gets backed up. 

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I thought I'd add this since it only just happened and is another awesome reason to use a service like Crashplan. I spent days on an image last week and realised yesterday that I'd stuffed up and when I resized it on Sunday to 1500px x 1500px and flattened it to sharpen it for Facebook, I accidentally saved over the psd and closed the file. I was so upset that I'd lost all of my work and the full sized file and had completely forgotten that Crashplan keeps older versions of files and doesn't just delete them when the file is updated. I was able just now to go in and pick a time just before I flattened and resized it and recover the full size psd with all its layers. I cannot begin to tell you how relieved I am!

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Late to the party here but Google Backup and Sync is great, backs up the entire PC or Mac and your external hard drives, or you can specify exactly which folders you want backed up, it backs up virtually all image file types, raws and all. I've used it for over a year now. Loads of storage for cheap.

On the other hand, if you have Lightroom CC (not Classic), you can have your entire catalogue and originals reside in the "cloud" and have them accessible everywhere. Smartphone, tablet, web, etc. I have an Adobe Acrobat subscription plus a photography plan from Adobe so I do get 1TB of storage included. I haven't hit my limit yet so I don't know what the price would be to purchase a higher tier of storage. It's on their website.

One disclaimer about LR CC, I use it to manage my photos, never to edit. So when I need to get a photo to ACR and PS I get it saved to my desktop and open it.

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