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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. The download link works for me, I just tried it. Are you sure there's nothing in your Downloads folder?
  2. May I see a screenshot? Showing your Photoshop screen including that action set in your Actions panel?
  3. Only by super-painstaking cloning.
  4. I know they want you to do that, but there is also a free software option if you look for it. You might have to scroll a long way down the page, and read all the options carefully. https://calibrite.com/us/software-downloads/
  5. Yeah, never use that. Nothing of great significance.
  6. I think DisplayPort supports higher resolution, doesn't it?
  7. Hmmm ... that's darker than mine. Did you use my numbers, or modify them?
  8. Oh yeah, that'll be easy. Just add a dark green Solid Color layer (I suggest H167 / S92 / B24) on "Multiply" blend mode, and mask on carefully. Using the Shift key of course: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/shift-while-brushing.html Then show me.
  9. Um ... which shirt, and what colour?
  10. That depends on the photo. Let's see it.
  11. Yeah, that's fine. Just remove it the way I taught you in the Raw Class.
  12. Hi @Frankie100, could you send me the raw file so I can take a closer look? https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
  13. I switched to FreeFileSync. I'm liking it so far.
  14. How do you feel about this? https://max.mailbigfile.com/b5526120fef6abe0ac15f783a7bdaa4a/listFiles.php
  15. The pattern layer is supposed to be above the Color Fill layer, and clipped to it.
  16. Do you have links to example images where the people are wearing red and green like yours? I need to see how those colours are dealt with.
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