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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. You're right, I'd never heard of a glossy US before this.
  2. The Dell Ultrasharp range are a good place to be looking. Just make sure it's matte.
  3. I suppose it must have, yes. As long as you've checked that you've got the real files, and you can open them, then I see no reason not to delete these weird "dot" files.
  4. They seem to have a dot at the beginning of the filename. How strange. Why do you have jpeg files?
  5. @Lcrutledge STOP PUTTING YOUR PHOTOS IN THE POSTING GUIDELINES THREAD. I will keep deleting them. Start a new post for each photo.
  6. It definitely should work. Can you try it again? In Photoshop, go to File>Open. Choose a raw file. It should pop up in Camera Raw.
  7. It is literally impossible for a raw file to go straight from Bridge to Photoshop. It HAS to go through Camera Raw. That's why I asked:
  8. How did you open it, exactly? Double-click in Bridge? Or another way?
  9. That's such a good question! It doesn't matter when you do it. Early or late in the workflow, no big deal. If you only remember it at the end of the edit, that's okay. Just return to the Background layer, duplicate it, and blur.
  10. I think this is a non-issue, honestly. You can still sharpen your files in Photoshop in the proper way, and then print them with Preview.
  11. I think this is a non-issue, honestly. You can still sharpen your files in Photoshop in the proper way, and then print them with Preview.
  12. Terrific. So you need to print those exact same files on your home printer - both from Preview and from Photoshop - to see what you get.
  13. I'm more interested in the prints you use to confirm the calibration. Which lab are they from?
  14. Thanks. So the first thing to try is changing from "Photoshop manages colors" to "Printer manages colors".
  15. The Print Sharpening Class is for home printing, yes, as well as lab printing.
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