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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. We'll get to the vibrance in a moment. Are you comfortable that 80 is perfect for brightness now? Or do you need to go to 70?
  2. Glad I was able to. You're welcome. Post again any time you need.
  3. Let me know how you go with it.
  4. This is the best I can manage: Download file
  5. Yeah, fab. May I have the 100% crop of her face again now?
  6. Oh, exciting! Benq have a good reputation. Yes, calibrate with the same steps.
  7. No, of course it's much too dark. Go ahead and do your raw editing in the usual way.
  8. Oh, phew! Ok, go ahead and do your normal raw processing (exposure etc) then post the photo again and we'll discuss the glare.
  9. Hi @Katie10, yes, I can help you with this, at least to a degree. How many photos have this problem?
  10. Calibrate in the daytime. Just close the blinds while you're doing it. And you'll need to only edit in the daytime, until you have brighter lights that match daylight.
  11. What about windows? If you open the blinds in the middle of the day, how does the screen compare to prints then?
  12. Are you SURE your room is bright enough? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/light-around-your-computer.html
  13. Yes, that's ok to fiddle with the Contrast setting, but yes, you need to recalibrate afterwards.
  14. Yeah, you're not the first person to mention this glitch. It's very annoying. Have you continued on to complete the calibration; and if so, how was the print match?
  15. If your screen is too bright, lower the luminance target. 6500K is not the problem there. 100 is the problem.
  16. What's your assessment? Do you think the lab has printed your new prints differently from the older prints?
  17. Oh, right, I understand now. This is just a simple matter of Levels. Select that dark area, add a Levels layer and clip it to the cat layer, then use the black eyedropper to get the weight right. https://www.damiensymonds.net/levels-eyedropper
  18. Do you still have those prints? If they are still perfect, then it would mean you have simply received a bad batch of prints this time, you know?
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