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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi @MegP, there are a couple of threads at the top of this page.
  2. And the hairs going over his hair.
  3. I'm so sorry Josie, I can't think of any "tricks" for this. Just really careful cloning.
  4. Agreed. You should be concentrating entirely on working towards the Skin Class for now.
  5. It would involve Channel Mixer. I don't think you've taken that class yet?
  6. Dark grey might be a bridge too far. But a medium grey would work.
  7. It starts with this: https://photographyconcentrate.com/lightroom-tip-turn-automatically-write-changes-xmp/ As long as all your xmp data is up to date, you can drop Lightroom and switch to Bridge any time you like.
  8. I've got nothing, sorry. But Brian is much wiser than me, and he'll be along in a little while.
  9. Heck! Yeah, not looking good at all. Can you copy the file onto your internal hard drive?
  10. Where have the files been saved? On your internal drive, or an external one, or a cloud, or somewhere else?
  11. Hi @Bryjprit, could you send me one of the files? https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
  12. Yes, I'd say so. Go ahead and post in the Channel Mixer Class so we can discuss.
  13. Gee, I don't think you should have let her hand get squished like that.
  14. He is going to be VERY happy with this.
  15. https://jkost.com/blog/2009/10/resetting_bridges_preferences.html
  16. Oh, that's wonderful news!!! Ok, if you have a good scanner capable of 48-bit scanning, use it. Otherwise, photograph them.
  17. Gee, it looks like a hair, doesn't it? I've got no idea, but I bet Brian will know when he logs in next.
  18. As long as he doesn't notice how short his left forearm is, this might be ok. But there's too much repetition in the grass where you moved his arm.
  19. Gosh, I think you've done an amazing job!! Maybe, though, he's expecting you to liquify his whole right arm and side inwards a bit?
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