Oh, sorry. Yes, of course you can edit your raw files in Photoshop Elements.
In Bridge, go to Preferences, and to "File Type Associations". Associate your raw files with Photoshop Elements.
Go to Image>Image Size. When that window opens, make sure the "Resample image" box is checked, as well as the "Constrain Proportions" one. Then at the top of the window change the width to 2000 pixels (the height will change by itself). Then press OK. That's all there is to it.
While we're waiting for Brian, I know he made some recommendations in this thread: https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/23973-best-recovery-software-2019/
It's very common, yes. It would be significantly concerning if you saw a big chance.
Out of the photos you've tried it on, do any of them have very vivid colours? Bright pink clothing or anything like that?
I'm not for a moment suggesting it's not edited.
I'm just saying, you couldn't edit any old photo to look like this - it has to have the right lighting.