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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. See at the top, kinda towards the right-hand side, how it says "Essentials" highlighted in yellow? Click on "Filmstrip" beside it, I find it more useful. It will give you a bigger view of the chosen image. However, even at this size I can see that the raw files look ok in colour, yes? Did you check the settings in the "black boxes" article I gave you?
  2. The other thing I need you to do is check these settings: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/09/black-boxes-and-other-weird-behaviour.html Your problem isn't "black boxes" per se, but might well be related.
  3. Oh gee, then you haven't lived! How do you browse and cull your photos? Bridge is ESSENTIAL. It will change your life. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-video
  4. Now, tell me about Bridge. Do your photos in Bridge match Photoshop, or ACR, or neither?
  5. This will be part of the problem for sure. 4GB is only half of the minimum that Adobe recommend for running CC. I urge you to make sure you don't have any other programs running while you're using Photoshop. This is a very small hard drive, and will also be contributing to problems. Make sure you keep things as lean as possible, so you have as much free space as possible. Photoshop needs that. Do you have any other internal hard drives, or only C?
  6. It's not too complicated. There's no trick to it, really. You just have to fiddle with the colours until it's about right.
  7. No no no no no. Don't rasterize. What are you attempting to do, when that message appears?
  8. Shit no, don't be silly. You definitely want the whole photo.
  9. No, you just copied and pasted. That's bad. Always use File>Place. Have you re-read Module 7 of the L&M Class lately?
  10. This is so funny. Why did you take a photo of just the shirt? Anyway, can you show me a screenshot of what you've done so far?
  11. Your masking still needs to be tidied up, but I don't think it looks poor.
  12. Hi Olivia, The photo you've showed me there is a raw file. Can we put that aside for a moment. How about jpeg files? Are they different too? Between the viewer and Photoshop, I mean.
  13. Glad you like it. I used a 5% brush because I was in a bit of a hurry. Hopefully you'll find that 5% works for you too, but you may need to drop to 3% to make it look really smooth.
  14. Oh Wendy, I wish I had some magic quick fix for you. Sometimes there is, but not this time It'll have to be handyman method. It's very very good, but it does take a bit of time.
  15. No, the file you posted here is definitely untagged. Its master file is sRGB, yes, but it wasn't saved with its profile for web.
  16. Washing out when you view it where? It's untagged, for starters. That's likely part of the problem.
  17. Yes, this is very normal, I promise. Your mouse would do the same, I'm sure.
  18. And when you're Alt-dragging the new shape, you really should see it snap to the grids.
  19. Sorry this is biggish: Download PSD
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