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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Well, after doing the main masking with a 100% brush, I dropped to 10% and gently blended it into the rest of her face.
  2. No, I told you, look at my numbers again. You're not getting them in the right order. See, on each channel, how I have the largest number first? You have zero first on some of the channels.
  3. I mean, the order of the zeros and the other numbers. The order is very important.
  4. Please continue the discussion here. You need to look at my numbers again.
  5. Are you sure it can't? Have you checked what you took? It's pretty rare. Remember that bracketing then combining is usually done by people who don't know how to process their raw files accurately. You are not one of those people.
  6. I just had a closer look - you're right, you haven't entered the channel mixer numbers correctly. Make sure you do them in the EXACT order I typed.
  7. No. You must purge this way of thinking from your mind. If your screen looks any different from your prints, it's BAD. Have you read all the way down the instructions to the troubleshooting part?
  8. Then you DEFINITELY shouldn't be using Faststone. Uninstall it immediately. You must must MUST use Bridge. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-video
  9. PLEASE answer the question. Do you have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? This is REALLY important.
  10. Your sidebar says you have Photoshop, not Photoshop Elements?
  11. Ok, and what colour settings does it have? "Warm" "Normal" "Cool" or something like that?
  12. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingfaq.html
  13. No, no prior knowledge needed at all, I promise. I will build your skills from the ground up.
  14. I'm not aware of any way to do it all as on layer, sorry.
  15. What are their pixel dimensions? That's the important part. Some very important info here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/08/about-jpeg-file-size.html
  16. What? Can't you see what it does when you turn it off and on? A gradient is a good idea, but darned hard to match up.
  17. Usually this happens because you're not quite painting with white or black. Make sure you press D to reset the colours to their defaults.
  18. Yep, I reckon so too. Which of the two colours do you prefer?
  19. I've moved this thread into AD, since it's not a class question. I can help you do anything you like with the background. You just tell me what you want.
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