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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi Taryn, if you click the "askquestions" logo at the top of the page to go "Home", then scroll down a bit, you'll find the "Angel Babies" section where you can post photos like this for me with utmost privacy.
  2. @Paul Rogers, PLEASE post some photos in the Levels Class. Don't let your class membership waste away - make me work hard for your money. I'd love to see what you've been shooting, and help you make it as beautiful as it can be.
  3. I urge you to consider the Channel Mixer Class. It's amazing for landscape stuff, if you want to get creative with it, and also if you do any of it in black-and-white.
  4. You should find, though, that if you do let the mountainsides have some light on them, the problem will be easier to manage.
  5. I don't have any tricks for you, sorry. When you make such aggressive edits, halos will always stalk you. You just have to be very patient with your mask corrections after the adjustments.
  6. Right, can you post up the non-sharpened version?
  7. You know, and I know, that the photos you've posted there are complete tripe compared to how good they can be. But that's not really the point, is it? In the context of your question, all that matters is that regular people don't know any better. They will love them.
  8. Hi Carly, do you mind sending me the raw file? https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography Just to check - you're not sharpening during editing, are you?
  9. Correct. This is a common viewing glitch, nothing actually wrong with your file. Nothing to worry about.
  10. Only judge this at 100% view. May I see the two screenshots at 100%?
  11. @Gabriela, PLEASE post some photos in the Raw Class. Don't let your membership waste away - make me work hard for your money. Let me see what you've been shooting lately, and let me help make it as beautiful as it can be.
  12. @AmandaEllerman, PLEASE post some photos in the Raw Class. Don't let your membership waste away - make me work hard for your money. Let me see what you've been shooting lately, and let me help make it as beautiful as it can be.
  13. https://www.damiensymonds.net/color-space-settings-for-the-lightroom-user.html
  14. Oh! Well, if you'd like to get rid of the carpet too, that would be great! You wouldn't need to change the angle of the wood at all, I reckon.
  15. Oh, yes, that's PERFECT! Just mask that in behind her.
  16. Ok, terrific! May I see your SOOR? ("Straight out of raw" - that is, the raw processing done but no Photoshop work)
  17. The same time of day would be helpful, but honestly, we can work with anything. We just need a few nice clear photos of the wood with nothing in front of it.
  18. Ah, bummer. And no chance of going back and doing so?
  19. Well, it might be possible. Do you have any other photos (at any angle) showing more of the wood?
  20. Nah, this is a glitch of some sort. Did you reset Bridge's preferences? You might need to do the same with Photoshop as well.
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