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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Oh, this is so bad. Why oh why did you ignore the offer of a Raw Class upgrade?
  2. Oh. Inkjet. That explains a great deal. I'd be fascinated to know if the same problem occurred with a photographic print. If you intend to attempt the inkjet print again, you'll need to try the smart-object-surface-blur method I outlined in the article.
  3. No, sorry. It's very clear to even the most casual observer that the focus fell on the trees well behind the subjects.
  4. Oh! It's that much of an upgrade? Then yes, you'll need to take the Raw Class again. But for now, you can go to the "Camera Calibration" tab and choose "Process 2010" to get the sliders you're used to.
  5. Please don't worry about the 11 thing. The number on your screen is completely meaningless. If it has to be 11, or 4, or even 0, that's completely fine. If your calibrator is saying 89, that's on the high-ish end of what usually works for people. Below 70 would suggest a problem, but 70 or above is normal.
  6. Oh, right! Ok, in that case, may I see the 100% crop from the same area from your master PSD file?
  7. It's moire. Start by reading this. Let me know when you have done so, and we'll discuss further.
  8. Oh, that is such a good question! No, I'm not aware of a way, sorry.
  9. Did you go to the extent of uninstalling and reinstalling the Spyder software? Is it the laptop screen you're calibrating? Or do you have a desktop screen plugged into it?
  10. Interesting. Is it just Photoshop? What about Lightroom and Bridge?
  11. So you're saying that you've calibrated this screen with this calibrator before, successfully?
  12. Please don't wait any longer to take the Sharpening Class.
  13. Yep, fine. Will sharpen up beautifully.
  14. Ok, download this PSD file. It's your master file. All the layers are vectors. You can simply double-click each layer to change its colour to whatever you need (or turn them off completely), then save a PDF version for whatever purpose you need. Remember, NEVER FLATTEN THE LAYERS. Read: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/05/making-pdfs-from-photoshop.html
  15. Never mind, I think I figured it out. Back soon ...
  16. I'm so sorry, this isn't working. There's something wrong with the file. Did I ever send you a PSD file, last year? Or only the PDF?
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