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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi Lauren, I'm interested to have a play with this and see what's feasible. Do you mind posting the actual photo, rather than a screenshot?
  2. Although I'm absolutely confident I'll be able to help you learn the software, I can't help sharing the crux of your concern. I wish you'd take the sensible approach and get a PC. Just because you have all that money, doesn't mean you should carelessly waste it. Why not get everything you need, and still have half the money for a holiday or something? Macs are a waste of money.
  3. It'll be akin to this: http://www.damiensymonds.net/headswaps.html
  4. Those angles don't look too dissimilar. I would have thought the swap would work ok. For heaven's sake make sure you don't do any Photoshop work until you've finished the raw work, though.
  5. Just try logging out and back in again. I'm not sure why it's doing this.
  6. You're not attempting to upload full-sized photos are you?
  7. Thanks, and may I see the photo without glasses? Oh, and I'll need 100% crops of both.
  8. Add a mask to your retouching layer, and paint black to hide the hair cloning you did. Then show me the photo.
  9. No, there's no tute. Show me the photos.
  10. Spots, yes. Hair, HELL NO. Hair needs to be its own layer, so that you can mask: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/role-of-masks-when-cloning.html
  11. I know. And I want to see it with that clone layer turned off.
  12. May I see it without the "haircut"?
  13. I was hoping for a little bit more, to be honest.
  14. Did you get any other photos at any slightly different angles, which might have provided a bit more view of those shoes, to borrow?
  15. No, relax. 3 and 4MB is absolutely fine. What matters are the pixel dimensions. Can you check on a few of them for me, and tell me their dimensions?
  16. Brian, just to flesh this out a bit for you ... Kerry would prefer a Mac, she thinks, so she's looking for advice in that direction. Oh, and she's here in Australia.
  17. Oh gee Erica, it's vitally important not to attempt any Photoshop work until your raw processing is done. Notwithstanding that issue, I do think it's a bit blurry around that area. May I see a closer view of it?
  18. Seeing them all together here, maybe your skin needs a bit of warming?
  19. I'm barely more confident than your young lady at the store, and in truth, it might take you a few goes to get this right. I'm fairly confident that she's right about the gamut - Normal. I'm pretty sure somebody mentioned recently that their iMac was RGB LED, so yes, give that a go first.
  20. Ok, so the first step with this one will be to copy and flip his free hand, to remove her hand which is holding his other one. After that, you could probably just move the whole background (from the right-hand side) over to cover her up. Probably the same here. Move the whole left-hand side of the background across to cover her up.
  21. No, but I believe you can use the scanner tool on this page to tell you.
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