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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. No, this is REALLY bad. You cannot possibly guarantee how other devices (your clients' screens, or more importantly, your lab) will handle that non-standard colour profile. Even if you insist on converting to BW in raw (and I strongly advise against it, BW conversion should be done in Photoshop where the control is so much more exquisite) you should convert to sRGB afterwards if necessary.
  2. No, sorry, I can't do that here. You need to take The Raw Class for information like that.
  3. It's so weird, because I'm not aware of any way that calibration can interfere with the resolution/sharpness of a screen. It must be a coincidence. Anyway, let me know about other programs.
  4. Yeah, I'm afraid it probably will have to be cloning
  5. It's most likely that your calibrator is simply dead. It's WAAAAAY older than the expected lifespan of such devices. Can you test something for me? In Photoshop, open a photo, then go to Edit>Assign Profile. From the drop-down menu in that window, choose your monitor profile. The colours of the image will change when you do so - I need to know if they change to match the colours that you see in the photo outside Photoshop.
  6. No, see, that's exactly why I suspect it is a calibration problem. Because Photoshop (and Bridge) is the only program which actually uses the calibration profile, so if the calibration profile is faulty, it will only show the problem in Photoshop. How long since you last calibrated; and exactly which calibrator do you have?
  7. I'm so sorry about my delayed replies. I've been making masterpieces (and a massive mess) in the kitchen in between internetting. Please do your clean processing and post again.
  8. This is what I was looking for, and it should be fine. So that doesn't help us. Have you noticed if the "blurriness" is better or worse in some programs than others? (By the way, at about this point, it'll be tempting for you to start questioning your own sanity, and wondering whether it really is blurry or not. Keep trusting your initial instinct - if you think it's blurry, it is.)
  9. No, that's ok. Can you click on the "Displays Preferences" button, then show me a screenshot?
  10. I can't find any reference on google to a plain PA249. Are you sure about those specs?
  11. This is so difficult for me, because I don't know you all. I'll leave this to your best judgement. In other matters, you'll need to go back to the individual PSD file of yourself, and darken your gown a bit. See how it's pale beside Jim's?
  12. Well, you seem rather small ...
  13. Oh gosh, that's REALLY old. It's possible that its graphics card doesn't support a sufficiently high resolution for your new screen. Did you notice the blurriness when you first plugged it in, or did it only appear after calibration? I'd still like to see a photo of the computer, if I may.
  14. May I have more information? A link to details about it, perhaps? Or at least a photo?
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