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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. By golly, well done. Yes, the second one should work, and even the first one at a pinch.
  2. Hmmm ... do you have any other photos of him that would adequately provide that little tiny bit of his missing face?
  3. I'm confused by your question. Have you read the Bridge Class in its entirety?
  4. Talk to me, @Lcrutledge. In what way does your screen differ from your prints?
  5. Yeah, it only works for very mild moire.
  6. When it's very mild like this, these simple steps should work okay: Duplicate the Background layer Change the layer blend mode to "Color" Apply 3-4px of Gaussian Blur to the layer Mask on.
  7. Wouldn't that be great?? If you discover a way, can you let me know?
  8. Can you just right-click in that black space and choose a different shade?
  9. A huge part of the class is black balance. Black balance problems aren't limited to old photos - they can occur in modern digital photos too.
  10. You'll learn about this in the Advanced Levels Class.
  11. Okay, I started with a Hue/Saturation layer, with the "Colorize" box checked, and values: 230/25/0. I masked that to the whole area, and allowed it to blend into the rest of the dress a little bit. Then I added a Levels layer and clipped it to the Hue/Sat layer, and on the RGB channel I moved the white Output slider in to 120. (The Output sliders are the ones touching the gradient, not the ones touching the histogram). Then started very carefully masking that layer onto the fabric. I varied the brush opacity a lot, as needed . Allow plenty of time for this.
  12. Also, can you confirm you're in the right colour space? https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
  13. Great, thanks. Oh, can you tell me which version of Photoshop you have?
  14. Cool. May I have a closer view of the area?
  15. Hi @Leeba, it should be simple enough. Do you want to include the top section of her chest as well?
  16. The "c" stands for "compressed". From everything I read, there's no noticeable harm in using the cRaw setting. So if you find yourself wishing for smaller raw files, go for it.
  17. The same method. Duplicate the Background layer. Make a lasso selection around the people Edit>Fill, and fill with Content Aware. Gaussian blur it. Mask it. Link the noise layer.
  18. Normally 8-bit is fine, yes. But in this particular case, 16 is necessary.
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