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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I'm always so happy when I meet someone who doesn't know how to install actions. It means they're going to be MUCH easier to teach how to edit. Um, it should simply be a matter of double-clicking the file. It should automatically install in Photoshop. Then when you go to Photoshop and look in the Actions panel, it should be there. But let me know if it isn't.
  2. It's just after breakfast on Sunday here A grey rainy morning so I have nothing better to do
  3. Also, it's really important that you understand this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/one-correct-raw-edit.html
  4. And it will work for all the others too. Please don't spend too much time on this. Finish the Bridge Class then start the Raw Class, at which point you will realise how shitty all your old edits were anyway, and you won't ever want to look at them again.
  5. @Françoise B let's bring this here. May I see screenshots? I need to see what you're seeing. Show me a screenshot of one of your virtual copy files in Lightroom.
  6. 1. Add a Channel Mixer layer, and check the "Monochrome" box. Then enter +100, 0, 0, 0 in the four fields. This will make the whole photo black-and-white. 2. Add a Levels layer and clip it to the Channel Mixer layer. Enter these values: Red channel: 0/1.10/255 and 0/255 Green channel: 0/1.00/255 and 0/210 Blue channel: 0/0.85/255 and 0/205 This will make the whole photo kinda skin-coloured. 3. Return to the Channel Mixer layer and invert the mask. Then paint onto the glare area.
  7. PLEASE don't wait too long to join the Raw Class, I beg you For now, let's pretend this is okay. Can you provide me with a new close-up?
  8. Yeah, no, that can't POSSIBLY be right. I'm sure he doesn't have blue hair in real life.
  9. I don't think so. May I see the whole photo?
  10. It won't be completely fixable, but I can certainly help you reduce it. Go ahead and do your raw processing as normal, then post the close-up again for me.
  11. Yes, I think this is the best option. I talked about how to deal with text in the class. I guess you need to read Module 9 again?
  12. I'm glad Rohan is here, because I don't know a damn thing about Pixieset.
  13. I'm confused - have you, or have you not, verified your calibration result by comparison to pro lab prints?
  14. Are you following my calibration instructions here? https://www.damiensymonds.net/calibration-instructions/
  15. https://www.damiensymonds.net/which-monitor-calibrator-to-buy/
  16. Hang on, have you tried plugging it in to a different USB port? Or a different computer entirely? Let's not run out and buy a new calibrator straight away.
  17. Are you sure you've got the device plugged in to your computer? It usually shows "Demo" until you do. Regarding tutorials, see if it matches this one: https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/58525-ccdp-m01/
  18. Yep, do exactly what it says. Head to the Calibrite website to get the new software from there.
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