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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. When you say "Mum" ... do you mean your wife? Is this your own child?
  2. Well, by doing the raw processing on both photos so that they match as closely as possible.
  3. Thank you. I can't figure out the cause of the problem, and I can't make my Bridge do it. So you'd better reset Bridge's preferences. http://blogs.adobe.com/jkost/2009/10/resetting_bridges_preferences.html
  4. Unchecked, I'd say. Since the resolution has already been established. You can't go on living like this, mate. It's time to make your life MUCH easier. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-30-day-challenge
  5. The resolution at which you send the files from Lightroom to PS is irrelevant, don't worry. As long as you're entering the correct size and resolution in PS's crop tool, that's all that matters.
  6. Also, can you check this little menu to make sure it is set to "Always high quality"?
  7. Can you open these two files in Photoshop and arrange them side by side and show me a screenshot?
  8. Yes, of course you must never view your photos in non-Adobe programs.
  9. Yes, of course, if your screen is GB-LED then that's what you should use. Otherwise, PLEASE use my instructions. Why are you calibrating to D65K?
  10. I'm confused. Are you following my instructions or not?
  11. It's always better to be slightly darker than slightly brighter. So maybe calibrate to 90?
  12. Between 80 and 100 is most common. You'll likely need to calibrate a couple more times, while you're searching for the perfect target.
  13. No, 120 will be MUCH too bright, surely? Unless your room is lit by football stadium floodlighting. Have you compared prints?
  14. Might be a good idea to ask for broader feedback in FBAD.
  15. I don't know of a way to adjust calibration for that, sorry.
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