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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Great! Chrome is completely shithouse, and we need a shithouse browser for this test. I want to know, when you both open the exact same web page, whether they look wildly different in colour. (Or whether this problem is restricted only to Adobe programs.)
  2. Gosh, how bizarre. So somehow you've turned something off, or Cara has turned something on ... or vice versa. If there is a Dell PremierColor control panel on both computers, you need to examine the settings and see how they differ, I reckon.
  3. How weird. In between "Night light settings" and "Scale and layout" there should be a "Colour profile" section. Does Cara's have the "Colour profile" section?
  4. Hang on ... can you choose this for me? Then show me a screenshot of the window that opens?
  5. For early Christmas, about the 16th. But let's hope we can get this sorted before then. Is yours set exactly like this too?
  6. Just to confirm - when you copied your profile over to Cara's computer, you replaced her Spyder profile with yours, yes? There aren't two Spyder profiles on her computer now, are there?
  7. If you choose "Display Settings" (just below the Dell PremierColor setting) what does it tell you the profile is?
  8. In that case, you'll need to do this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_vista.html
  9. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let me know what happens with this profile-transfer experiment.
  10. Great. So copy that, and paste it into the same folder in Cara's computer. Then restart Cara's computer. When you've restarted, you should go to the "Color Management" control panel in Windows. That control panel should open on the "Devices" tab by default, and the "Display" should be the chosen device. Then you can look down and check that the Spyder profile says "(default)" beside it. If so, you can start to play with files and see how they look.
  11. Not a dumb question at all. Your profile should be in this folder: C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color Can you check?
  12. Hmmm ... it's actually quite lucky that the S3E even works on one of the computers. It's very old tech, and your computers are very new tech. Have you tried copying the profile from your computer to Cara's? It's not an actual solution, but if it helped at least to a degree, it would give us some clues as to how to proceed.
  13. Hi Amanda! Hope you've been getting some rain up there. Remind me which Spyder you have?
  14. That doesn't look quite how I expected. Are you sure you have the layer blend mode on "Color"?
  15. Oh, phew! So now just invert the mask of that layer, then paint on to the problem areas with a 5% white brush.
  16. Hang on ... these are transparent files!!! Shit, sorry, I hadn't opened them before now. In that case, just use the Magic Wand tool to click in the space.
  17. What? The hex one is much much much much easier, because it's straight lines!!!
  18. Thanks. In that case, I'll be very very interested to hear if this method works for you, since other people with the newest CC have been reporting a problem with it. Add a blank layer, then with your eyedropper tool choose some of the nice rich skin colour from her upper cheek. Then add a new "Solid Color" layer of that colour. Change that layer's blend mode to "Color". At this point the whole photo should be that colour. But some people have reported it turns their whole photo green instead. Can you let me know what happens to yours?
  19. Hi Lorie, can you remind me which version of Photoshop you have?
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