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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. It certainly does add complications, but lots of people do it.
  2. This looks really excellent, well done. Did you remember to add the noise layer to the gradients?
  3. @Jamie Brown, I can't help checking in to find out if you've been receiving compliments about this job?
  4. Whatever happened with this job, @abfriesen?
  5. That and a heck of a lot of other stuff. When I sent you that email prompting you to take the Layers & Masks Class before embarking on Levels and you said "It's ok, I know the basics" you were rather mistaken, I fear. It's not too late.
  6. Gosh, that's such a good question. I suspect it works best for higher-key photos (that is, where more than half of the photo is bright-ish). I also think it wouldn't work so well for a blonde subject. I think it might work really well for some scenery shots. But I'm guessing, honestly.
  7. And I deleted it. Email is not the place for these discussions.
  8. I don't care what you and other sickos call it, it's pornography. It's the absolute lowest form of photographic art. You prove the adage "Many photos of beautiful people are mistaken for beautiful photos." Your work requires the least amount of skill of any photography.
  9. It's bloody porn. Don't give me that fine art bullshit.
  10. The electrical outlet is this method: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/role-of-masks-when-cloning.html But the cupboards are not so simple. They'll have to be this method: https://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/
  11. Gee, it'd be better to get something a bit bigger than 512GB hard drive, I'd say. Also, I'll be interested to know what Brian thinks about 16GB of RAM. 16 has been good up til now, but I reckon when I buy my next computer I'll get 32 to be future-proof, you know? (When I buy computers I buy them with the intention of keeping them for a long time.)
  12. I assume you're wedded to Macs, but just in case you're not, I highly recommend the Asus Republic of Gamers line of laptops.
  13. Glad to hear your update. I would definitely explore a new lab before diving in to a new calibrator. I've no reason to think there's anything wrong with your Spyder5.
  14. I'd anticipated that you'd paint it on a bit heavier than that. But yes, definitely an improvement. You haven't cropped your PSD, have you?
  15. No, the exact same area of hair. Please note that I said "Background layer" not "background".
  16. The same way that I showed you on another photo, I think. Duplicate a chunk of the Background layer, set it to "Multiply" mode, nudge it down a bit, then mask it on gently.
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