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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I absolutely agree. I would be very wary of a combo device. In my experience, any technology that boasts "2 in 1" means you're only getting about half the quality of each thing.
  2. In what program? It MUST be Photoshop or Bridge. Other programs are not colour-managed.
  3. Well, how about a Hue/Saturation layer at 50% opacity, with "Colorize" checked, and about +220/+70/0?
  4. Whoa. Please don't compare the calibrated with uncalibrated. That doesn't matter a bit. Only compare the calibrated setting with your prints. That's all that matters. Yeah, you really have to fix that. May I see a screenshot of your whole screen?
  5. Ok, in what way does it not look right? The better you describe it to me, the more I can help.
  6. You're a cruel person, @GraceCJG. I'm dying of curiosity here! How did the calibration go?
  7. A setting of 15 to get a reading of 91 sounds perfect! Very very common numbers.
  8. Yes, although I hope we won't have to go too far down that path.
  9. I'm really worried about you messing with the screen's contrast setting. That should remain at the factory default setting.
  10. No, don't wait. Please calibrate now. If you wait until nightfall to calibrate, you won't be able to check the result until tomorrow.
  11. Don't keep me in suspense, @Jamie Brown! How did the sample print turn out?
  12. Hmmm, I see. Smaller, but still big enough to be visible. I understand your concerns. I fear it's because it's simply too small. It's just so fiddly to work at the individual pixel level, you know? And none of the blur options work well at such a fine detail level. Do you have any where the logo is bigger in frame?
  13. Wow, ok. And so that we can keep a level of realism in this conversation, how big is the logo going to be when the photo is eventually put on the website?
  14. No, if you could take it like this, I'd be very grateful.
  15. Ok, I understand now. The photo you showed me above (with the blue arrow drawn on it) - is it a 100% crop?
  16. Well, what I really want to know is - do you WANT that many catchlights on the logo? Or do you intend/desire to edit some of them out?
  17. Yeah, nah, sorry. It's too obvious that the focus is far behind the roo.
  18. You LIKE that? Gosh. Well, yes, I'd say resetting. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/09/resetting-tools.html
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