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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Generally blending like this should be avoided if possible, and I think it's possible here. Could you send me the raw file? https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
  2. https://www.damiensymonds.net/desktop-monitor-brightness
  3. Ah, bummer. Everything you describe suggests that the lab has changed their printing between your old prints and your new ones. Unless it's a different lab?
  4. When you got new prints, were they of the same photos as your old prints?
  5. I don't think "Transfer" should be turned on, should it?
  6. How about in the Brush panel? (Via the Window menu). Is the "Shape Dynamics" box unchecked as (I think) it should be?
  7. Isn't it the pencil-in-a-target button right at the end? That's what it is in my version.
  8. So have you played with the "Tablet pressure controls" button in the Brush Tool options bar?
  9. Just to check, have you tried resetting the Brush Tool in Photoshop? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/09/resetting-tools.html
  10. No, sorry If it was a little further back you could have blurred the whole background, but that wouldn't look plausible here.
  11. Well, don't be too hasty with your thanks Let's see how those troubleshooting instructions go.
  12. Thanks. Can you scroll down to the bottom of this page to find the troubleshooting section? It's for the 5, not the 4, but should be somewhat applicable.
  13. You MUST NOT say that. You'll confuse yourself. The prints aren't warm. The prints are what they are. What you mean is that the screen is too cold, yes?
  14. I look forward to hearing if it makes any difference. If it doesn't, you should find another computer to calibrate, and see if you get the same result. If you do, it might suggest that the calibrator is failing.
  15. You might need to start by doing this, then doing a full calibration as if you've never calibrated before.
  16. Anyway, do all the raw processing first, and post some in class for me.
  17. Ok. It will certainly add time to the editing, but it should be quite easy. Have you used the Patch Tool before?
  18. Yeah, shouldn't be too much trouble with the Patch Tool. How many photos will you need to do?
  19. Hi mate, are you asking because (a) you haven't seen this? or (b) you have seen it but it didn't work for you?
  20. Did you take a look at each of the Red, Green and Blue channels?
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