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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Well, have you tried simply partially desaturating it?
  2. Yeah, that might help, thanks. More importantly, if you can provide links to any photos with "creamy" backdrops that you like, that would help a lot.
  3. That seems to have worked fine. I don't understand the problem?
  4. May I see? A screenshot would be good, so I can see your layers panel too.
  5. I've moved this post to AD, since it's not a class question. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/12/fixing-chromatic-aberration.html
  6. I don't know if restarting the computer will do it. You might need to uninstall and reinstall the software, I fear.
  7. Well, that all looks great. So you're saying it didn't stop here or here?
  8. Lovely. And it's hooked up to a desktop computer, running Windows 10 I assume?
  9. If you don't have the raw file any more, then you're screwed, sorry. This is why you must NEVER delete your raw files.
  10. You're welcome. Please consider the Channel Mixer Class. It will blow your mind.
  11. Ok, great. So, first add a Channel Mixer layer, hit the "Monochrome" checkbox, then enter +100, 0, 0, 0 for the four fields. This will turn the photo black and white. Immediately invert the mask to black. Then add a Levels layer, and clip it to the Channel Mixer layer. Enter these values: Red channel 0/0.80/255 and 25/255 Green channel 0/0.80/255 and 60/255 Blue channel 40/0.55.255 and 0/255 Then return to the mask of the CM layer and gently paint over the yellow flowers. The beauty of this method is that you don't need any particular precision - just paint blobs on the areas of yellow. The only places you'll need precision are where the yellow flowers are near the legs and stuff.
  12. You've just changed your layer thumbnails to "none", is all. Just right-click on the little brush icon, and choose a larger thumbnail size.
  13. Before we get to that, can I ask why there's a weird line over here?
  14. I assume you've already checked for other photos taken at the same angle, without the tongue? For a possible mouth swap, I mean.
  15. I wonder if you could speak directly to the printing company for advice? Ideally, you want them to give you the profiles. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/05/please-be-wary-of-cmyk.html Do you provide them with RGB or CMYK files?
  16. There are a few aspects here, and none are good. Have you ever enquired how they calibrate their screens? Am I to assume from the wording of their correspondence that they don't run their own presses? They outsource the printing to another company?
  17. No, I'm so sorry That's not even big enough for a 6x4 print
  18. Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry to hear that news! How awful. What are the pixel dimensions of the files you have?
  19. https://www.damiensymonds.net/channel-mixer-class
  20. Ready to learn? https://www.damiensymonds.net/channel-mixer-class
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