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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Duh. Because you have Caps Lock on, of course. Same reason you're shouting at me.
  2. Nope. They look exactly the same at 100% in Bridge as they do in Photoshop. Show me screenshots from both please.
  3. No, you definitely can't use this one. This should never have passed your culling process.
  4. Luckily she's facing pretty much directly at the camera. So you should be able to carefully clone/heal the little patch on the camera-right side; then copy and flip that whole area to replace the big problem on the camera left side.
  5. Hi Brian, what's your recommendation for the best (preferably free) anti-virus software?
  6. I'm so sorry, I can't discuss white balance here. My Raw Class will change your life, I promise.
  7. This is the best method I know.
  8. If you want them to line up, hold down Shift as you drag.
  9. Of course. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/07/photoshops-arrange-functions.html
  10. You SERIOUSLY need to renew the Layers & Masks Class. It's only $14 to do so, and you badly need it.
  11. What the hell? You ALWAYS want a mask added to your adjustment layers. DO NOT TURN THAT OFF.
  12. Yeah, don't take any guff from the lab. Sounds like they messed up this time. You've double-checked that they're sRGB?
  13. Your settings are perfect. You're right not to change them. As long as your calibrated screen still matches previous prints you've had, then yes, I agree that this is a problem with the latest print batch. Can you describe how the latest prints differ from your screen?
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