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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Oh right, I see what you mean about the apostrophe. Ok, maybe it's all right, but a little too saturated?
  2. Those checkboxes would have been on by default. You must have turned them off at some stage
  3. The profile is the instructions for how an image is to display. Saving an untagged image is like giving someone an Ikea flat pack without the instructions. They'll have a go, but if they mess it up, it's your fault not theirs.
  4. What? So that browsers display your photos' colours properly, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so that printers print them properly.
  5. Of course! Literally just double-click on the thumbnail of the mask on any layer in your file.
  6. Then can you update your profile? It says elements in your sidebar. And use Bridge, please. It does everything LR can, and better.
  7. What????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you followed suggestions on my site, you wouldn't be using bloody Lightroom! You can't use 16-bit when you have Photoshop Elements, I'm afraid.
  8. No. It must be something else. What bit depth are you working in? 8-bit or 16-bit? (In the title bar of your image, it'll say either RGB/8 or RGB/16.)
  9. Not even that, I'm afraid. Put it out of your mind, it's impossible.
  10. Yeah, no. You can never predict how blend modes will work. You just need to play with the colour until it looks right. For the 21, I tried 186/214/207 and it looked pretty close. Yes, Gaussian blur. After you've got the text exactly how you want it, change the text layer to a smart object, then apply the gaussian blur.
  11. Not relevant to this thread, but really important: I'm just looking at the files you sent me, and they're not tagged!!!! Always make sure you save the profile every time you save a photo, no matter what the purpose.
  12. Now that the rest of the kids are no longer blown to smithereens, I reckon yellow shirt girl looks just fine! Just try to clone out that bright patch at the top of the forehead, is all.
  13. No no no! Sorry, I didn't mean that. I just mean that if the graphics card is loading slower than the Datacolor software, and thereby overriding the profile, as Datacolor suggested, then you can use that little app to re-over-ride it with the profile again. But of course, that's only if you choose to re-activate the graphics card. Yep.
  14. Ah, crap. Strike 2. PLEASE don't wait too long to change your life: https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingsharp.html Well, I see no course available to us except for you to begin the whole edit again, following the same editing steps as closely as you can remember from last time, and see where the problem arises. I assume it was with the sharpening, but since you didn't keep your layered master file, we can't check If you haven't done so already, you MUST read this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/02/trash-those-jpegs.html
  15. What?? No, you don't need to re-mask! You can just copy the mask you've already made!!! Just drag it to the new layer!
  16. After resizing for print? Well, first I should ask - did you resize for print?
  17. You can't, sorry. That's why I said to keep a copy of the cloned layer. Did you do so?
  18. I suspect that is not the only bad habit that's bitten you on the ass here. At what stage of your edit did you sharpen?
  19. Ok, so you've introduced it somewhere in your editing. Have you kept your layered PSD file? So that you can trace the problem?
  20. Great. If you take another look at your raw file, do you see any evidence of the problem there?
  21. What??? I already gave you all the info you need. Just follow that link to its very conclusion.
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