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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. For the one on the left, just Content Aware it. Duplicate the Background layer, then select around the flare with your lasso tool, then go to Edit>Fill, and choose 'Content Aware' from the little drop-down menu at the top. Unfortunately that won't work for the other one. So may I have a 100% crop of that one?
  2. I've never heard of this before. It's so weird. Have you spoken to Adobe about it?
  3. Ah, ok. I thought you might have had another internal drive you could have tried.
  4. Do you only have a C drive on your computer? Or another drive as well?
  5. And in Photoshop, if you go to the File menu and choose "Browse in Bridge" ... nothing there either?
  6. Hang on, it's got a USB-C port, doesn't it? Can't you just get an adapter? You'll need one for other reasons too, not just calibration.
  7. I've got nothing, sorry. I think you'll just have to blur it.
  8. Do you recall what quality level you chose when saving the jpeg file of the 100% crop?
  9. Yes you can, and should, delete those older ones. And take steps to make a bit more free space beyond that if you can.
  10. Can you do this? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html
  11. For the last point ... It would also be possible to add a Solid Color layer of desirable petal colour, set it to "Color" blend mode, and mask it on to the central area.
  12. Because the red of the flower is quite strong, it should be possible to add an overall Hue/Saturation layer, go to Reds, and move the Hue slider left or right respectively. Then mask out some stuff in the background which you don't want changed. No, you'd just use Levels for that. I would use a cooling filter for that. A tiny bit of yellow Photo Filter I think.
  13. I'm so sorry mate, I've played and played, and I can't find anything faster than the Handyman method: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/04/the-handyman-method.html
  14. Hi Peter, which version of Photoshop do you have?
  15. No, sorry. It's a question that can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. There are dozens of colour-change methods, and the reason there are dozens is that they are all needed in different situations.
  16. Hi Mariia, was there supposed to be a photo with this post?
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