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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Gosh, I don't know, sorry. Does this thread help? http://www.retouchpro.com/forums/software/33084-here-fft-64-bit-photoshop.html
  2. It's not completely infallible, but it's pretty amazing all the same. I use it a lot.
  3. http://retouchpro.com/tutorials/?m=show&id=185
  4. No, put that out of your mind. Always better to err slightly low. Leave it where it is.
  5. And? Is 83 good? Got a good brightness match now? This is annoying, but shouldn't matter, because once the calibration begins, the whole screen is filled with colour, isn't it?
  6. Unless your screen's brightness setting is already at 0%, then yes, you can fix the "tad darker" part. Calibrate again at slightly lower brightness. Regarding the yellows and sky, no, possibly not. But I'll be interested to hear if soft-proofing helps.
  7. What? What do you mean, why? Because of this thread, of course! This is a problem of your own making. You need to have xmp files so you can easily transfer your edits. Changing that setting back to how it's supposed to be will prevent this problem in the future, but I'm afraid I don't know how to fix the existing problem, sorry. There must be a way to export the xmp files from the database, but I won't be able to test it until tomorrow.
  8. It sounds like you only copied the raw files, not the xmp files as well?
  9. Very relevant: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/08/buying-wide-gamut-screen.html
  10. Where? You weren't looking at Windows Viewer, I hope? Remember, only compare prints against Photoshop, no other program will do.
  11. Oh crap, this is really bad. I think it'll have to remain on "Vibrant (Full)".
  12. Yes, that's correct. Windows Viewer isn't colour-managed. Chrome isn't properly colour-managed either. Firefox is the only browser to use.
  13. We can see from Chaser's profile that she's using a PC. But anyway, no, that's not an automatic assumption. There are a variety of ways to capture a screenshot on a Mac, and not all of them automatically save to the desktop. And it's not a jpeg even when it does.
  14. Ok, first things first: https://www.damiensymonds.net/png-file-format You said "uploaded to FB" but neither of your screenshots show me the comparison between Photoshop and Facebook. One is Photoshop and Windows Viewer, and the other is Facebook and Windows Viewer. May I see the direct comparison? May I see a screenshot of that option setting?
  15. We will get to talking about the style, I promise, but can we talk about this one in the class first?
  16. Oh gee, I'm sure Brian will tell you this is a HUGE problem. Gotta clear some serious space. Now is the time. Run this.
  17. Oh boy, that's some dodgy cloning!!!! May I have the clean edit of your photo?
  18. Perfect, thanks. She's very adorable, but yeah, far too soft, sorry. You need to scrap it. PLEASE start posting some images in the Raw Class for me.
  19. Are you sure your gradient tool is on "Normal" blend mode in the Options bar?
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