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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. You're running Photoshop CC with 2GB of RAM??????????
  2. Yes, I'd say it's possible. But I need you to tell me more about your vision. You say a white background, but how would you intend to blend that with the ground?
  3. No, something's gone wrong here. Dad and the little girl are squashed kinda flat.
  4. Ok, let's start from the beginning. First, do this for me.
  5. What!!!?! Gee, I'm glad I checked. Ok, keep following the troubleshooter all the way to its conclusion to fix this problem.
  6. Please do this. I'm pretty sure you're safe, but we need to be certain. And PLEASE take the Levels Class. Let me free you from reliance on those shitty actions. Your file has about a zillion layers when half a dozen would do, and that's not helping this problem.
  7. Ok, can you open one of the files that have been very very slow to save, then show me a screenshot? Of the entire Photoshop screen, including layers panel and everything.
  8. It doesn't matter. What matters is to check that you're working on 8-bit files, not 16-bit files. 16-bit would definitely contribute to the problem you're describing.
  9. Ok, 13.5 isn't too bad. When you process your raw files, which program do you use?
  10. Gee, I can't really condone that. How many megapixels will a medium file be? The manual should tell you, if the menu itself doesn't. Do you shoot raw?
  11. As long as you sent sRGB files to the lab for those prints, then yes, they should be fine. No new prints needed.
  12. Can I ask what camera you have? I mean, how many megapixels does your camera capture? Are you working with particularly huge files?
  13. Yeah, it's the 4GB of RAM. That's only half of the minimum that Adobe recommends for CC.
  14. This section where you posted is fine. The best piece of advice I got when setting up this site was "Don't have too many sections. Keep it simple."
  15. Yes please. I can't possibly know what you want, let alone help you, if I don't see it.
  16. Do you have links to backlit photos you'd like to mimic?
  17. The features are all still exactly the same. But yes, the buttons look different. I think you need the little icon immediately to the right of the "H:500px" in the options bar.
  18. Oh yeah, that looks much better quality. I think the Handyman Method will work just fine.
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