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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. First, a Channel Mixer layer, with the "Monochrome" box checked, with these values: Red 0 Green +50 Blue +50 At this point, the whole image will be black-and-white. Then a Levels layer, clipped to the CM layer, with these values: Red 0/2.20/240 and 0/255 Green 0/1.10/255 and 0/245 Blue 0/1.00/255 and 0/225 At this point, the whole photo will be weirdly reddish. Then click on the mask of the Channel Mixer layer, and invert it to black. Then paint on the problem areas. No.
  2. Here's my fix. Give me a moment, and I'll screenshot and explain the steps:
  3. Further to Samantha's question ... From Bridge, there are two ways to open Raw files. One is Cmd O (for "open") and the other is Cmd R. Can you try both, and see if one works better than the other?
  4. No, it still looks pretty awful. Did you actually shoot raw?
  5. Gosh, no, something's gone badly wrong here. Do your raw processing properly, then post the closeup again.
  6. In case you're not already aware of it, this will help a lot: http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/shift-while-brushing.html
  7. Yes, I think I can. It'll be tricky, but I'm moderately confident. Go ahead and do your raw processing first, then post the SOOR for me and we'll discuss the background.
  8. Also, may I see the whole SOOR? Also, please don't waste your computer space by being in 16-bit. It's entirely unnecessary.
  9. Has this problem always existed, for as long as you've had the action? Or is it something that has started happening more recently? Also, can you do this for us?
  10. I cannot stress this enough. You MUST IGNORE THIS WINDOW. It is completely meaningless.
  11. Just use a two-colour gradient - dark to light. It looks a bit weird having that dark circle behind his neck. Otherwise, this is good. Now zoom WAY in and start masking properly.
  12. As I mentioned earlier, I used a radial gradient rather than a linear one, but I think what you've done here will totally work. Go ahead and start your precise masking now.
  13. No, no, no, that's not where you choose the TOGGLE profile! You must only choose it in the DisplayProfile window.
  14. That's right, but a radial one.
  15. No no no!!!!! You don't use FastStone any more, because you have Bridge. FastStone is great, but Bridge is heaps better. http://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-video
  16. Definitely don't attempt to remove it. It's too difficult. Instead, replace the whole background.
  17. It's a little more complicated than that. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/02/resizing-photos-in-templates-ps-pse.html
  18. Oh! You mean "crop out the three kids on the left". Hence my confusion.
  19. I don't mind which one we use. Choose one, and do your raw processing on it, then post it again.
  20. Crop out the two boys on the right? How do you intend to do that, exactly? You'll have to crop really close to the middle boy's head, yes?
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