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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Definitely don't attempt to remove it. It's too difficult. Instead, replace the whole background.
  2. It's a little more complicated than that. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/02/resizing-photos-in-templates-ps-pse.html
  3. Oh! You mean "crop out the three kids on the left". Hence my confusion.
  4. I don't mind which one we use. Choose one, and do your raw processing on it, then post it again.
  5. Crop out the two boys on the right? How do you intend to do that, exactly? You'll have to crop really close to the middle boy's head, yes?
  6. No problem. We'll see what we can do. Go ahead and do your raw processing on your photo as normal, then post it again for me and we'll play.
  7. I agree. We really need her to provide links to examples of what she has in mind.
  8. No, don't do the marquee thing. It's limiting yourself too much later, in terms of print shapes. Take the time to mask the background around the WHOLE horse.
  9. No, read Module 11 again.
  10. Gosh yes, when you print a photo that tiny, it forces you to examine it much more closely than a larger photo. I'd say you're noticing the printing dots that have always been there, you've just never looked closely before.
  11. I am. That's ALL I'm worried about. How many pro lab prints do you have there?
  12. I'm running Win10 on heaps of devices here, and all are going beautifully. I know some people have reported problems, but I haven't experienced them. I don't miss Windows 8.
  13. Well, just re-open one of the files you uploaded here, and look a the Document Profile section in the bottom left corner of Photoshop.
  14. It sure is mysterious. Everything you've shown us indicates that your files should be in RGB mode ... yet we can't deny the evidence in front of us - the files you first uploaded are definitely Grayscale mode.
  15. Can you show me a screenshot of the Save As screen?
  16. Do you save your web images using the Save for Web and Devices feature, or plain Save As?
  17. Second, I need to know if you can see banding on the raw files, when you're editing them in your raw program.
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