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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Brian will be along to help you shortly, but I just wanted to ask if you already have a screen? Or will that need to be in your budget too?
  2. Hey, that's great! Yes, still a little yellow, but you could fix that with a little bit of desaturation with a Hue/Saturation layer, perhaps?
  3. No, the point is that the bottom shouldn't be affected at all. That's why I need to see a screenshot. Your mask should be completely black down at the level of her feet.
  4. Gee, it shouldn't be all blue like that at the bottom.
  5. May I see a screenshot, including your layers panel?
  6. Make sure you look at all the channels on the Levels layer I used.
  7. While it makes the background look ok, her skin is still not perfect. After you do all your Levels work, you'd cool those warm areas with a cooling Photo Filter.
  8. I sampled from near her knee, then clicked near her forehead.
  9. This method should do it: http://www.damiensymonds.net/levels-eyedropper
  10. Yeah, that part was always going to be as tedious as hell.
  11. You might be new to the forum, but surely you're not new to the internet? An underlined word in blue almost universally indicates a link.
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