I got the Levels layers the wrong way around. The first layer (should have been "Levels 1") is on Soft Light blend mode, with the middle slider aggressively to the left at 3.00.
The second layer (should have been "Levels 2") is on Normal blend mode, with the sliders thus:
Red channel: 14/1.06/248 and 0/255
Green channel: 0/1.04/255 and 5/253
Blue channel: 0/0.97/255 and 14/249
Then I Placed the texture layer (File>Place, remember, never copy and paste). I dabbled with blend modes, and found that "Lighten" worked best. It probably will for you too, but no guarantees. You might need to experiment like I did. Then I masked it on very gently.
Because my texture was a bit too sharp, I had to apply blur to it. You might not need to do this. Likewise, its colour was kinda too green, so I clipped a Hue/Saturation layer to it and shifted the Hue slider a bit until it was the colour I wanted. Again, you might not need to do this; or you might need to do it even more than I did.
Hope this helps.