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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. It should be a simple matter of adding a light pink Solid Color layer, set to Multiply mode. What won't be a simple matter is the masking :\
  2. Yes, it's vitally important that you don't do this. I haven't written instructions for the Smile, but the first part is the same as "Part 1" of these instructions. That is, you have to manually match the brightness, and choose the best available colour setting, before you begin the calibration.
  3. You mean the upgrade to Elements 14 is $69, right? They're not selling individual tools, I'm assuming. Which version do you have at the moment?
  4. First, I extended the Canvas Size of the main photo a bit. Then I File>Placed the basket photo on the main photo. By lowering its opacity, I was able to use Ctrl T to transform (scale and rotate) it so it lined up as perfectly as possible. Then increased the opacity to 100% again: Then I added a mask and masked it in to that immediate missing area down there. It was a little too light, so I also clipped a Hue/Saturation layer to it, and fiddled with the sliders until it was roughly a suitable colour. I also had to mask that Hue/Sat layer a bit, because it needed more darkening on the left than the right: Then I File>Placed the rug photo. It was a bit too in-focus, so I blurred it a bit. Then I kinda positioned it in one corner, rotating it a bit to make the fabric flow as plausibly as possible: Then masked it in, and again, clipped a Hue/Sat layer to make it match suitably: Then repeated the same process a couple more times, to fill in all the space:
  5. Good for you. Well worth the effort.
  6. If you have prints from two labs, we can rule out print error. The next thing to rule out is a calibrator fault. To that end, do you have access to a different computer you can calibrate with the Munki? To see if it turns out red as well?
  7. I just checked my settings, and these are all the same. I don't know why it would be doing this, sorry. I'll move this to the GenDisc area, to see if anyone else knows.
  8. Terrific!!! So this is absolutely no different from any of your other photos. If you want to save it for web, you flatten it, resize it down to web size (eg 2048px wide for Facebook), sharpen it for web, and save it as a jpeg and upload it. If you want to print it, you flatten it, use the Crop Tool to crop it to the exact size you want, at the exact resolution your lab requires, then sharpen for print, save it as a jpeg, and upload it to the lab. In short, you adhere to the trash principle exactly the same as you would for any other photo.
  9. Look, the 32-bit thing is much more serious at this stage. You MUST go to Image>Mode>8-bit.
  10. Yes, of course you'd shrink it for those purposes. But you need to keep it in its full-size glory as a master file. Have you saved it safely as a PSD file onto your hard drive?
  11. I know, and it's a completely disaster!!!! What on earth possessed you? Just click "None of the above" and keep following.
  12. Oh, good question! For what reason do you need to make it smaller?
  13. Various computers in our house are running Windows 10, and it's been great for us on all of them - no problems at all. However, my main editing computer is W7, and like you, it's offering me the upgrade. And I'm resisting it. Everything is working perfectly on that computer, and that computer is SO important to me, so I'm not willing to change anything just for change's sake. That's just my two cents. This isn't even my section, I'm not supposed to be replying here
  14. Hi Christopher, thanks for posting. Before we delve into the calibration side of things, can you do this for me and report back?
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