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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Ok, design the A4 one first, and get it perfect and completely approved. Then save a different copy of it for the 900x600 version, and move the items around as needed.
  2. NO! Trust me, this photo is crazy dark.
  3. Dafuq? No, it's too dark! That hand!!!!
  4. This is just a brightness/darkness issue.
  5. Do you mean the i1Display Pro? I can assure you that doesn't matter a bit in this case.
  6. @Ami, you need to turn this on in Preferences: It's very annoying, I know.
  7. It definitely does mean that, yes. You're going to need to be SO careful.
  8. Is there any room in your house where it matches?
  9. Yeesh. Have you got a calibrator yet?
  10. Thanks. And have you tried calibrating to 6500K?
  11. Can you complete this sentence? "My screen is __________ [warmer/colder] than my prints".
  12. I think it should be feasible. Can you go ahead and do your raw processing on the photo then post it again?
  13. Shape is so important, and if they're asking you to design something that will be printed in different shapes ... well, that's definitely a hassle. Do you know the exact dimensions of the corflute print?
  14. You may rest assured that the size doesn't matter. But the shape definitely matters. And the design you showed me above doesn't look like A4 shape?
  15. Do you mean get rid of those wrinkles?
  16. As long as all the text and logos are vectors, and as long as you Placed the image (not copied and pasted it in) so it's a smart object, the whole design can be resized to any size you want. https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingprepress.html
  17. Yes, but it all counts for nothing if the screen doesn't match the prints. How does the comparison look?
  18. Yes, sorry. I'm glad you've re-done the calibration since this message, because that's what I would have told you to do. I've never seen that one before, sorry.
  19. Just the luminance, I'd guess. But hey, we might be surprised.
  20. https://ask.damiensymonds.net/forum/30-focus-checks/
  21. Wonderful! Please download this document and take it with you when you go. Insist that they fulfil ALL of the requirements.
  22. Hang on, let's not do anything crazy. Do you have a professional scanning service nearby to you?
  23. Ehh ... I wouldn't have done it that way. I would have left all the pixels there, and controlled the size by lowering the Quality Level of the jpeg save.
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