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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Actually, I think you might have removed a bit too much colour noise. But yeah, Luminance noise needs a bit more removal. Focus will be fine.
  2. Oh, I don't know about this one. If you're desperate you can use it, but it would be good to find a better one if you can.
  3. Pity you missed the dogs. Still, this will probably be ok.
  4. This is totally fine. It'll sharpen up beautifully.
  5. I think you might have to turn off Graphics Processor separately for ACR, in the "Camera Raw Preferences".
  6. As long as you use layers, 50 is more than you'll ever need.
  7. Now you've fixed those two things, make sure you restart the computer before editing again.
  8. Yeah, that's not a bad idea I guess. Make sure you have satisfied yourself with the "How aggressively" link (above) before you post, though.
  9. Holy shit!!!!!!!!!! 548 History states??? Are you insane??? Put that back to 50 at most. Also, turn off "Use Graphics Processor".
  10. (I preface this by saying I have no idea what I'm talking about ...) Could you show us a screenshot of Photoshop's Performance preferences?
  11. Oh crap, not the Digital Dog. Ignore anything about placing reading points on the skin. This is too rigid. Only take readings by moving your mouse around.
  12. I talked about it a bit in the second half of this article: https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_skin.html
  13. Yes, but you have consistently proven that you have no concept of colour reality. I'm beginning to suspect some mild colour-blindness.
  14. I don't understand the question, sorry. Obviously the first one is correct.
  15. What? What on earth does that have to do with it?
  16. When you buy such a huge camera, you have to be prepared to live with consequences such as this.
  17. This is very normal, I'm afraid. You must have a heck of a big camera, and this is the price you pay.
  18. Well, please hurry. Your Raw Class is drifting away unused.
  19. Only in cases of absolute desperation. If you find yourself in those dire straits, it really suggests that your monitor isn't very good.
  20. Yes, but on the external monitor you have to check all of its available settings. You can't do that on a laptop.
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