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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Yes, of course. You need to shrink your file to web-ish dimensions first.
  2. Yes, I do it all the time in my CS5, so you can definitely do it in CS6.
  3. Oh, it's great fun. Have you ever played with the "Animation" panel in Photoshop? Basically, you create different layers in your image, then go to the Animation panel and choose "Make frames from layers". Play with frame timing and such. Then eventually save as a GIF. I don't have a tutorial about it, sorry, but I'm sure you'll find plenty out there.
  4. Hi @Elizabeth Blowers, how far through the Bridge Class have you read so far?
  5. Just right-click on it, choose "Label>No Label". If you go to the Label menu at the top of the screen, you'll see that each one has a number assigned to it. You must have accidentally hit that number.
  6. Yes, somebody else mentioned this too. It's a glitch with the latest PS update, as far as we can tell. Waiting for an update to the update.
  7. I love love love love LOVE my Epson V700. It's always been very good to me, for a long time. Am I correct in guessing that it's the V500 you're looking at?
  8. I'm so sorry, I wouldn't even know how to start. That looks beyond my skill.
  9. Oh boy. I fear not May I see it close up?
  10. I will explain it to you and you'll see why it's not suitable for the general public. Once you've settled on your fonts, you merge those two text layers together into one pixel layer. Then you hit the "Fx" button and choose "Color Overlay". Choose a colour - any colour, it doesn't matter - for the text to be. Then you delete all your unused layers, including the black Solid Color layer you're using as a background at the moment. You just want the text and flower against a transparent background. Then go to Edit>Trim to trim away the excess space. Save that as a different PSD file, ready to use. Then you open up the photo you want to put it on. Go to File>Place Embedded, and choose your logo file. It will appear on your photo, and of course you can size it and position it however you want. Then it's time to change the text colour for your exact needs. You go to Layer>Smart Object>Edit Contents. This will open the file in a separate tab, where you can double-click the "Color Overlay" in the layers panel, choose your desired colour, then save and close that file. When you return to your photo file, the new colour will be there. This probably doesn't make sense as you read it, but it will when you do it.
  11. Look, I can tell you how to do it. But you'd need to write up my instructions in a very pretty and clear way, to provide to everyone with the file. And they're not straightforward. AND they won't work with Elements, as far as I know. And you'll need to include your email address so that people can contact you when they're having trouble making it work.
  12. Oh, sorry, my bad. Yes, that's what I meant. Oh, gee. I thought it was for your own use. If it's for other people's use, I don't know how to advise you, sorry. What evidence do you have of this? Have you seen it done?
  13. Am I correct in guessing that the foliage is on the layer named "e47desaturated copy"? Also, am I correct in guessing that you want to be able to put this design on to a wide variety of photos or backgrounds? A bit like a watermark?
  14. I can help you achieve this. May I see a screenshot of the whole file?
  15. That workflow still works fine for the newest process version, I promise.
  16. Yep, see how you don't have "Include ICC Profile" checked down at the very bottom? That's the problem.
  17. No. Are you following the second troubleshooter I linked earlier in the thread?
  18. No, it's in the window BEFORE this one. The actual Save As window. That depends if they were sRGB or Adobe RGB when they edited them. If they were sRGB, maybe they'll print ok, maybe they won't. If they were Adobe RGB, they DEFINITELY won't.
  19. Raws should be untagged, that's fine. But jpegs and psds should never be untagged. It means you didn't check the box when saving.
  20. The second troubleshooter is for the already-edited files: https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs2.html That's really really really bad. Where are you seeing that?
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