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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hmmm ... I would have thought it would be White LED. Is that one of your options?
  2. I'm not Brian, but I will chime in and say that whenever I've seen this before, it's because you've taken some of your photos with the camera on full automatic mode. Canon cameras tend to be jpeg-only on full auto. Could that be the case here?
  3. Nothing. Leave both the Height field, and the resolution field, blank. As a Jpeg. This is correct, but if you're following their advice and aiming for a 400KB file, you need to lower the quality value. You can see the estimated size just below the bottom left corner of the photo - in this screenshot it's presently 594.7KB. You use the Quality slider in the top right corner to lower that size.
  4. I'm running on very slow farm internet at the moment, so I had to shrink the file quite a bit to get it up. Still, you'll get the idea. Download PSD
  5. Can you elaborate on your concerns about her hair? How is it different to the hair on the sample one you provided?
  6. Come on, let's keep it legal. You can't just rip off somebody else's photo to use for your work.
  7. Can you provide links to the page that the images are on, not to the images themselves, so that their owners get proper credit and traffic.
  8. You have done a STAGGERINGLY good job, well done. If you could just fine a suitably-angled ear to borrow from another photo, this would be perfectly fine (for what it is).
  9. I'm worried about your white balance on this one. How sure are you of its accuracy?
  10. There's really not much needed to make your photo into the other photo. Just some more saturation for the background, and less for the foreground. Download PSD Of course it's more effective on Natalie's photo, because she has some other colours (such as the blue fence) to work with. So please feel free to post some more photos of your own, with perhaps a bit more detail.
  11. Yes, that's good now. Please don't let that happen again. I can't tell you how bad it is.
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