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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. In case it's relevant, could you do this for us? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html
  2. Hi @NicoleOncale, I've moved your post into Brian's area, because he's the expert in these matters. He'll be along soon.
  3. Excellent. Then you might as well ask the question to be safe.
  4. That is a VERY good question. Yes, the instructions seem to infer that it's 2000 wide for all photos, regardless of orientation. But do you have a way of confirming that? Do they have a help line or something?
  5. What other options do you have, beside White LED? Seems that the OS update caused the problem, eh?
  6. Did you make sure the calibrator was plugged in before launching the software?
  7. But yes, it is possible that your calibrator is getting a bit old. It's sad, but three years is a common lifespan for all sorts of electronic equipment nowadays, isn't it? Are there any other computers in the house that you could try calibrating with it, to see if the same magenta problem occurs? If so, we'd definitely point the finger at a failing calibrator.
  8. Hmmm ... I would have thought it would be White LED. Is that one of your options?
  9. I'm not Brian, but I will chime in and say that whenever I've seen this before, it's because you've taken some of your photos with the camera on full automatic mode. Canon cameras tend to be jpeg-only on full auto. Could that be the case here?
  10. Nothing. Leave both the Height field, and the resolution field, blank. As a Jpeg. This is correct, but if you're following their advice and aiming for a 400KB file, you need to lower the quality value. You can see the estimated size just below the bottom left corner of the photo - in this screenshot it's presently 594.7KB. You use the Quality slider in the top right corner to lower that size.
  11. I'm running on very slow farm internet at the moment, so I had to shrink the file quite a bit to get it up. Still, you'll get the idea. Download PSD
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