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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. One year from now you'll look back and cry at the rubbish you were giving clients. It's painful, but it's part of the journey. You're going to love stepping above the level of those Lightroom "professionals" and producing images to be proud of.
  2. I'm so pleased you have taken the first step out of that mire. Bridge now. Photoshop next.
  3. No. There is no photo in the world that is perfect with only raw editing. Yes, and their work is shit.
  4. Because the video is made for people who do things PROPERLY. You're not supposed to give clients photos you've only edited in raw, Margaret. It's terrible. After you've finished this job you're working on, PLEASE don't take any more clients until you've actually learned how to edit. The editing workflow is this: Raw editing Photoshop editing with Levels etc Save your PSD master file THEN output.
  5. No, not DONE. Edit them in ACR and press OPEN. Once they're all open in Photoshop, do the cropping and run Image Processor, per the video.
  6. No no no no no no no no no. DO NOT SAVE THOSE JPEG FILES! Just use the "Open" button in ACR to open all of the files into Photoshop.
  7. Well, there are several ways it could be done, but we might as well go for the easiest. A "Solid Color" adjustment layer of yellow colour, then another one above it of white. Both on "Screen" blend mode, and both start completely hidden with black masks. Then with a low-opacity brush (I used 20% and it seemed to work well) gradually dab on the yellow layer first to create that glow. I kept the brush in the same place, and just varied the size of it - started big then got smaller, so it got more intensely yellow towards the centre, if you know what I mean. Then the same, but smaller of course, on the white layer. It'll probably take you a few tries to get it just how you like it. Don't be ashamed of that, I had to do it too. Several times I returned the mask to black and started again.
  8. Try Channel Mixer: R 0, 0, +100, +55 G 0, 0, +100, -5 B 0, 0, +100, 0 Then tidy up a bit with Handyman.
  9. You can do it that way, but it's less than ideal for a number of reasons. To clarify ... ... are you talking about low-res web proofs for your clients to browse, then order their favourites? Or are you talking about high-res files for the clients to keep and print their own?
  10. Lovely photo. Generally this is my go-to method. A broad yellow glow, and a small white glow at the centre: Of course, the yellow glow doesn't need to be so strongly yellow, nor so broad. What do you think of it? I suppose what I should have asked at the beginning was, can you provide me with any links to lantern photos that you admire?
  11. Ok. Next thing to try. In Bridge, go to the Edit menu, and choose "Camera Raw Preferences". When that window comes up, is there a checkbox for "Use Graphics Processor"? If so, is it checked or unchecked?
  12. Hi Melissa, yes, this comes up from time to time (usually at this time of year) The challenge isn't usually the lantern itself, but making whatever is near it look plausible. May I see the photo you're working on?
  13. See at the top, kinda towards the right-hand side, how it says "Essentials" highlighted in yellow? Click on "Filmstrip" beside it, I find it more useful. It will give you a bigger view of the chosen image. However, even at this size I can see that the raw files look ok in colour, yes? Did you check the settings in the "black boxes" article I gave you?
  14. The other thing I need you to do is check these settings: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/09/black-boxes-and-other-weird-behaviour.html Your problem isn't "black boxes" per se, but might well be related.
  15. Oh gee, then you haven't lived! How do you browse and cull your photos? Bridge is ESSENTIAL. It will change your life. https://www.damiensymonds.net/bridge-video
  16. Now, tell me about Bridge. Do your photos in Bridge match Photoshop, or ACR, or neither?
  17. This will be part of the problem for sure. 4GB is only half of the minimum that Adobe recommend for running CC. I urge you to make sure you don't have any other programs running while you're using Photoshop. This is a very small hard drive, and will also be contributing to problems. Make sure you keep things as lean as possible, so you have as much free space as possible. Photoshop needs that. Do you have any other internal hard drives, or only C?
  18. It's not too complicated. There's no trick to it, really. You just have to fiddle with the colours until it's about right.
  19. No no no no no. Don't rasterize. What are you attempting to do, when that message appears?
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