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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Be careful. Remember that "what you like" is utterly irrelevant. Your calibrated screen must match ALL your prints, not just your favourite ones. So you've got a good calibration and print match with your other computer?
  2. Yeah, that should be right. So you're up to this page now, yes?
  3. Please let's not waste any more time with this for now. How far through the Raw Class are you so far?
  4. Just to check, which setting did you choose here?
  5. The best in the business, I promise: https://www.damiensymonds.net/trainingraw.html
  6. Talk to me, @wolfpack3. In what way does your screen differ from your prints? What screen do you have, and which calibrator?
  7. Oops, sorry, can you do the raw processing on your photo (don't forget the noise removal) then post the 100% crop again for me?
  8. It should be possible, yes. May I see your face up close? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/09/grabbing-700x700px-100-crop.html
  9. Because she converts them to sRGB first, I assume. Hopefully your printer is sensible enough to make the conversion themselves.
  10. It will be easier if you just do it, and don't tell her. https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs2.html
  11. Yeah, darn, you're right It's all of them I know you've already done the right thing and sought permission from the photographer to edit a pimple. Do you feel obliged to ask their permission to fix the colour space on ALL of the photos? I'm really sorry you're in this situation. Your photographer is an idiot
  12. Please don't assume. It's really important that we know for sure. Could you send me three or four of the files? https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
  13. It's not quite clear from your post - are ALL the photos Adobe RGB, or only the one you edited?
  14. In Camera Raw as usual. It's stung everyone in the last update. Normally updates cause the colour space to switch back to Adobe RGB, but this time (for Mac users) it's Display P3. Equally bad.
  15. Module 8 of the L&M class. Literally the whole module.
  16. That's harder to achieve than you would think. The lining up of the two photos has to be exquisite.
  17. For the other one, first add a Channel Mixer layer, check the "Monochrome" checkbox, then enter 0/0/+100/0 for the four sliders. This will turn the whole photo black-and-white. Then add a Levels layer and immediately clip it to the Channel Mixer layer. Enter these values: R 0/1.10/235 and 30/255 G 0/1.05/235 and 15/255 B 0/0.90/255 and 15/255 This will now turn the whole photo kinda brownish. Return to the Channel Mixer layer and invert the mask to hide everything. Then with a big soft brush, paint loosely over the flare area.
  18. No, it should look much better than this. Make sure you select OUTSIDE the flare with the lasso tool. Don't try to select it precisely at its edges.
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