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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. As already discussed, the eyes look bad. But the shoulder looks good.
  2. Gosh, this is more severe, isn't it? I think R2.50, G1.60, B1.45 And some cloning after that.
  3. Wonderful. Now go ahead and do your normal Levels work on each one, separately (of course, post them in the Levels Class if you need my feedback). Then post all three for me in this thread, and we'll discuss the combination.
  4. Right, then this is probably what you need: http://www.damiensymonds.net/tut_collage.html
  5. Good. So, have you cleaned up your Dad's photo too? Are they ready to combine?
  6. You almost certainly should NOT be cutting and pasting.
  7. They would have been proposing Content Aware Fill. Give it a go, but maintain a healthy level of pessimism.
  8. Yeah, that's more like it!!! Now keep going with your bits and pieces of cloning where needed. Until it's all perfect.
  9. Gee, that does NOT look like 2/8 to me.
  10. Remember, if you want me to actually see, and opine on, your fine-detail work, you have to post 100% crops.
  11. Now, add a new (white) layer mask. Zoom in to 100%, and pan around the important parts of the image, which turning the D&S layer off and on, and examining everything very carefully. Paint black on the mask in any tiny areas where the D&S is causing genuine harm.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/groups/195567190503489/permalink/851594548234080/
  13. All the info you need is provided and linked inside the article I've already given you. Your first step is to make sure that Bridge is installed. Which version of Photoshop do you have?
  14. There, see? You can access ACR. This is only the beginning of the incorrect assumptions you've made. Click on the blue link at the bottom, then change Adobe RGB to sRGB. Press OK, to close that little window, then press the "Done" button at the bottom right of ACR. That should be the missing link. Now your LR images should open in sRGB.
  15. Of course you can, and as it happens, you NEED to, to fix this Adobe RGB problem. (It's a known issue.) So, open Photoshop, then go to File>Open, and open a raw file. It will open in ACR. When it does, take a screenshot and show me.
  16. Don't be naive. There are probably citizens of North Korea who think their lives are good, but that's because they aren't allowed to leave to experience life anywhere else. You're not a North Korean, you are able to travel and see the world. Likewise, you're not chained to Lightroom. Try the alternative, and see how much better it is.
  17. No I don't, sorry You'll find a few bits and pieces if you search my resources, though.
  18. For pete's sake, why are you masking? That undoes the good work of the filter. Sure, some masking might be necessary, but only in very tiny places.
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