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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. First, can you maximise your window (click the little box next to the X in the very top right corner of screen. Then, can you click on the Window menu to open it, and take another screenshot for me.
  2. Yes, that was going to be my suggestion too. We need to bring another monitor into the equation now.
  3. Please don't worry about an action. You don't need one. The only important thing is the filter itself. Have you installed it?
  4. You're right about magenta, but not about Levels. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/02/using-photo-filter-layer-to-fix-casts.htm
  5. Specs seem good to me. I have used a couple of LGs in the past (nowhere near the top-end specs of this one) and always been happy.
  6. Well, it's better than nothing. There was never going to be an entirely satisfactory result here.
  7. Oh, gee. You could try Dust & Scratches filter at about 16/6, but that would almost remove everything
  8. Looks great to me. I would never have known.
  9. No, definitely don't do the restoration first. Only do the raw processing. Then the first step in Photoshop would be to merge them into one photo. Only then would you start the restoration work. By the way, I'm going to move this into the "Help with editing" section of the site, since it doesn't pertain directly to any class.
  10. No, the wool in the shadow still looks distinctly more in-focus than the rest.
  11. Fantastic. The last thing is to paint some more on the mask of the topmost pixel layer, with a low-opacity brush, to partially blend that area of sharper wool on the bottom left shadow area of the basket.
  12. No, something's gone wrong. At that stage, it shouldn't look like a photo, it should just look like digital gibberish.
  13. This is common, sadly. First, try this. Also, do this for us.
  14. Then you might have to live with it, I'm afraid.
  15. Can't you see the lines? The edges? At the bottom of the basket, and to the left and right?
  16. Ok, so you're seeing banding in the background, no matter which profile you choose?
  17. You have to flatten to sharpen anyway, so I don't see that this is a problem? If it suits both you and your editor to exchange jpeg files, that in no way hinders the output process.
  18. Sorry about my delayed reply. Busy morning. And how about the neutrals? Grey or near-grey areas? Are they ok?
  19. Still some very visible lines at the bottom.
  20. No, it's likely to be one of these. Can you remember which is the current one?
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