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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Oh gee, you've got a big problem here. Please fix it immediately.
  2. Maybe it would be better for you to use Labels rather than stars? If you go to Preferences>Labels, you can assign them words that are meaningful to you.
  3. No, you really shouldn't have to. Is the black box active beside that step?
  4. Yes, generally it's done by replacing that area with a clear section from another photo. Do you have another photo at the same angle, with an unimpeded view of that area of rug and wall?
  5. Is it possible to take a screenshot showing the "sloppy" selection? I'm not sure what you mean by that part.
  6. Download the PSD file Loosely speaking, it's a variation of this method.
  7. It sounds like you're not following my instructions? I always suggest ignoring that thing.
  8. Yeah, I believe this is a known glitch. Can you test something for me? In Bridge, there are two ways to open a raw file - one is Cmd O, and the other is Cmd R. Can you check if one works better than the other?
  9. On the variable watermark one, you need to add three steps. Immediately after Unsharp Mask, you add a Smart Object conversion, and the drop shadow. Then the canvas size step remains the same, but after that you add a flatten step. Then the existing Convert to Smart Object happens after that, and the rest of the action runs as normal.
  10. Ok ... On the fixed watermark one, you need to add these two steps immediately after the "Reveal All" step: Then switch around the order of the "Flatten Image" and "Canvas Size" steps that occur after that, so that canvas size happens before flattening.
  11. It should be as simple as adding a drop shadow step immediately after the second Canvas Size step.
  12. Gosh, the first link is a lot more than just the colour of a crop. It's an entire lighting matter. I'm not sure that's what you want?
  13. Cloning should work, but only in conjunction with a mask. You would clone sky down over the entire house, and some of the land. Then mask it.
  14. Sure, no problem! Just add a Hue/Saturation layer, go to "Cyans", and fiddle with the sliders a bit. I suggest roughly +7, +7, -7.
  15. @dex, I want to reiterate that CS5 rocks! Just convert to DNG and be happy that you have incredibly powerful software that you don't need to pay another cent for.
  16. No no no no no. You must add the drop shadow to the actual watermark file, don't try to add it every time in the action. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/creating-saving-and-using-watermark-ps.html
  17. You're correct. But it's no big burden, honestly. I've made a video here, if it helps.
  18. Those are nice, but can you show me one that's very close to sundown, like your photo?
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