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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I really enjoy trying to analyse different types of post-processing, to figure out how it was done. If there's a style you want to emulate, share it so I can help you achieve it. Please observe these guidelines: Post links to other people's images. Don't upload photos that aren't your own - that's bad manners. Provide the link to an image with the desired effect, so that we can visit it. Don't link the file itself; link the page on which you found the photo, so that the photographer gets the credit and the traffic. Upload a photo of yours on which you'd like the style applied. Note that by posting your image, you are effectively giving me permission to download the image, so I can experiment with the edit and respond to your question. Make sure you choose an appropriate photo. The characteristics of the photo play a big role in the application of the style. For example: - If the photo you'd like to emulate was taken outdoors, don't post an indoor photo; - If the photo you'd like to copy has a bright background, don't post a photo with a dark background; - If the photo you'd like to copy has lots of background blur, make sure your photo has lots of background blur too; - and so on. I really can't emphasise this enough. If you are wanting to emulate somebody else's post-processing, but you can't find any photos in your library that emulate their photography, then the post-processing is a moot point, isn't it? Photographic skill is crucial. If your photo isn't suitable, I won't be able to help you with your request. Make sure you have clean-processed your image first. Don't post a straight-out-of-camera (SOOC) photo. Artistic styles are best applied after clean processing has been performed. I would not teach my gymnasts to somersault before they could roll safely; nor will I teach photographers to get artistic before they can competently edit cleanly. You can find more information about clean processing in my article here. Please scroll down this page, because you'll find dozens of styles I've already played with. You might find what you're looking for right here! Lastly, there will inevitably be questions which I must decline to answer because they coincide directly with my classes. These will generally be questions regarding clean processing. I give away a lot of information, time and expertise for free, but I am also trying to make a living and support my family. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. This forum is my raison d'ĂȘtre. The kinds of questions that you can never google for, no matter how many key words you try. I'm a very skilled editor, and I hope I can help you with your troublesome pixels. One question per post, please. If you have more than one question to ask, please ask them in separate posts. No posting for constructive criticism: This is not the place to post a general question like "how does this look?" My team and I will routinely delete these kinds of posts. Only post if you have a specific question. It's vital, in all workflows, that raw processing is completely done before any Photoshop work commences. So if your question pertains to a Photoshop edit, please make sure you have done your raw processing first. Make sure you provide enough information for me to help you: Remember to include your image in your post (Yes, people do forget this!) It may be useful to include the straight-out-of-raw (SOOR) image as well If there is a specific part of the photo you need help with, upload a closeup of that area. Instructions on how to do that are on my site here. Lastly, there will inevitably be questions which I must decline to answer because they coincide directly with my classes. These will generally be questions regarding clean processing. I give away a lot of information, time and expertise for free, but I am also trying to make a living and support my family. Thank you for your understanding. Over time, I will add links here to recent threads that might interest you. I recommend visiting this post at least once a month, to see what's been happening lately.
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