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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. You've got the very latest Photoshop update? Yes, it's like this for me too. It's an awful glitch, and I hope they fix it fast.
  2. Smoothing always 0, Flow always 100. They never vary. Opacity was 100% for the initial blob on her head, then I used 10% to expand it gently.
  3. What do you think of this? https://max.mailbigfile.com/3fdaa29efe461e9de566bee975e31a7e/listFiles.php
  4. The sand won't give a blackened effect like in your sample photo, but it's worth a try.
  5. Yes, that might work too. Yes, the background. It would be best if you had a photo with the massive sun flare on their heads too; or else find a different example photo without it.
  6. That's probably because there is no edit data in the xmp files. It sounds like you didn't have this turned on in LR? Three reasons to enable XMP files in Lightroom Classic - Photofocus
  7. I'm not sure why it's not in your trash, sorry. That's exactly what it does on mine.
  8. Yes. You need to free up a LOT of space on your hard drive.
  9. Not enough to make a real-world difference.
  10. Of course it's too noisy. You'll need to fix that in your raw processing as usual.
  11. Yeah, that's very very bad. https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
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