Ok, no worries.
Well, I guess you'll have to duplicate the Background layer, convert it to a smart object, then use Edit>Transform>Warp to shrink the bottom of the photo.
Yes, you use it a lot because you don't know how to use layers and masks, by your own admission.
CS6 is an excellent program. YOU are the weakness. Spending money unnecessarily on new software won't make YOU better. Invest in YOU.
No, absolutely not. I already brightened it to match the leg to which it is attached. To brighten it further would look very silly.
If you sign up for the Bridge Class right now, I'll send you the photo for free.
Yes I will.
I simply added the foot to the black jpeg file you sent me. I haven't changed its size at all.
Wonderful! Then you don't need to pay anything! Just install Bridge (it came with your Photoshop, or you can get it for free from the Adobe website) and you're ready to go. DO NOT PAY $9.95 PER MONTH!!!!!
I won't be able to tell you that until you send me the files. https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography
Make sure you send me the original, NOT the one you applied Topaz to.
This is a very simple matter of layers and masking. Are you familiar with those?
I can do it for you if you don't want to do it yourself. It's what I do.