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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Can you do this for me? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html By the way, where are the files saved? On an internal hard drive, or an external?
  2. That's weird. When you re-open the raw file, are your adjustments still there?
  3. Got it, thanks. I can't wait to see lots and lots of your full raw edits in the Deluxe Posting Area.
  4. Crap, that's very weird. Yeah, you might need to reinstall Photoshop, I'm afraid.
  5. Now, are you sure you're using the same profile in both programs? In ACR, go to the Camera Profile tab: And see what it says the profile is. Eg mine says this: What does yours say?
  6. Ok. After you've cleared some hard drive space and restarted your computer, go ahead and recalibrate.
  7. The Working SSD drive is clearly a problem too. Make sure you clear a hell of a lot of space off that. This is much too small for me to see anything.
  8. By the way, which web browser do you use; and is it looking ok colour-wise?
  9. That's a small drive, and 48GB is a small amount of free space in the modern context. I urge you to run Glary right away.
  10. Yes, of course. That's the point. When you have two screens, you get to choose the one that calibrates best, and make that your editing one; leaving the other for panels and email and stuff.
  11. I know you're not asking me, but I hate editing with one big monitor. Dual smaller monitors is so much more comfortable for me.
  12. I assumed you were writing to me because you'd read this article, but maybe you haven't?
  13. It doesn't have to be LED lighting, and it certainly doesn't need to be dimmable. The only challenge you face (and it's a big one) is positioning the prints in such a way that they don't get any glare from the lights.
  14. Yeah, it'll sharpen up beautifully.
  15. Hi @TioLobo, can you elaborate on the situation a bit? What do you need to achieve, exactly?
  16. I don't know, sorry. I've moved this into Brian's area to see if he has any wisdom.
  17. Right. So maybe that's it. Don't underestimate the amount of computing power it takes to perform this function, especially with raw files.
  18. How much free space does the laptop have?
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