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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Gain is the important one to adjust, as far as I know. As I said in the write-up, every screen is a bit different so it's hard for me to help with that part. Tad cool like "I want to try calibrating again"? Or "I can live with it"?
  2. Yeah, unfortunately there isn't a way to pull it up again, apart from calibrating all over. Never mind. Since we don't have much control over "magenta" we'll have to assume it's coolness. And since you seem to have reached the limit of the screen's presets, we'd better try this method instead: http://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_i1DP_pc2.html
  3. And just to be very safe, all the files are sRGB? (I'm obliged to ask this.)
  4. When you calibrated on the 5000 setting, what was the achieved white balance? On this result screen, I mean? https://www.damiensymonds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/42i1dppc23.gif
  5. So the outdoor ones are better than the indoor ones?
  6. Terrific. And are there some that seem to match better than others? Or some that are particularly worse than others?
  7. I forgot to ask earlier, how many photos are you comparing? You showed me this one a bit earlier. May I see the others? Do they show other parts of the spectrum, like trees and sky and stuff?
  8. Sorry, yes, you did the right thing. Always use the top number. 5500 was too cold, I assume? How did 5000 turn out?
  9. It's always interesting to see how wildly wrong the screen manufacturers are about their presets! Especially at the high end, wow. Which of these did you try using? I assume you would have tried the 5500 setting first?
  10. Do you have a piece of paper like mine? https://www.damiensymonds.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/15i1dppc09.jpg
  11. Ok. So let's ignore the laptop for a moment. Can you tell me about the external screen? How many presets does it have, and how did they measure? (If you could take a quick photo of the piece of paper where you jotted down the values that would help.) I have to go out for about an hour, I'll check in again as soon as I get back.
  12. BUT ... if you tell me that you're confident that your lighting is as good (close to daylight) as it can be, that's great! I'm happy to move the conversation onto the actual calibration.
  13. I'm not holding anything back from you, I promise. I just literally can't do any more from this side of the world. I would have to visit your house, and that's a flight I can't afford.
  14. I absolutely want to help you further! But you haven't posted any more photos since you upgraded, so there's been nothing for me to help with yet.
  15. Yes, as soon as you've shown me some more white balance posts, and at least 80% of them are right the first time.
  16. I've reached the limit of the help I can give you about this. This is up to you. Your room light has to be nice and bright. Period.
  17. I'm confused. These two statements seem to contradict each other.
  18. Yes, it will be easy enough to change, but yes, there will be very precise masking involved.
  19. So if you turn the overhead light off and on while looking at the prints, you're saying their appearance doesn't change?
  20. Since I have no idea what mauve is, yes, you'd better show me the dress.
  21. Is this still your laptop we're talking about?
  22. Well, I guess finding labs that print the media you want is an important starting point.
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