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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Right. I fear that your screen is too bright, you see.
  2. Terrific! Good lab. So, is your monitor calibrated following my instructions here? The Spyder's own instructions are woeful.
  3. Thank you. And which lab do you use for your prints?
  4. No, that's not right. It's still dreadfully dark.
  5. Well gosh. I wish we'd checked this right away. From your wording in your original post, I (foolishly) assumed you'd already done so. Yes, calibrate again. Compare ALL the prints you have.
  6. Ok, that's good. It will almost certainly be easier to make the wrap blue as well. I think it's ok to make this change as our first step in Photoshop. So go ahead and do your raw processing on this photo, then post it again for me.
  7. Absolutely, yes. I didn't realise you hadn't already done so. This is CRUCIAL.
  8. Recalibrating to match the prints would be fine if your screen didn't match your older prints. But I'm sure you told me that it still does?
  9. Hi @Beachbum, what about the wrap around the baby? Is it to be navy as well?
  10. What about older prints? Do they still match your screen ok?
  11. Oh, hooray! I'd love to see some more photos.
  12. Alas, no, sorry. That's not recoverable.
  13. Almost all the other labs properly comply to the modern 6500K colour standard, as far as I'm aware. Terrific. Even though it seems very unlikely, we can't discount the possibility that the cable is failing, so if you had another HDMI cable around the house that you could try, that would be handy. You mentioned the calibration of the external screen; do you keep your laptop screen calibrated too? What did the lab say about the prints?
  14. While we're waiting (hopefully) for more evidence to present itself, let's talk about the much more important issue. Why are you saving jpegs from raw files?
  15. I don't have any experience with it, sorry.
  16. Yeah, that might be it, but if it was so, I would have thought the purging of the folder cache would have fixed it.
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